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"I am out of here"


KOL SHOVES SHANE into a custodial closet, Rebekah and Angelina close behind them.

"Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson...two members of the Original vampire family. And Angelina Smith, the fisrt heretic. This is such a trip." Professor Shane said.

Rebekah tries to compel him. "Where's the cure?"

"Compulsion won't work. It's a little trick I picked up in Tibet."Professor Shane said.

"Right. Well, we will just have to do this the old-fashioned way." Angelina said and Kol smiles. "Beat him until he tells you where to find it."

Angelina and Rebekah walk out of the room, leaving Kol and Shane there. They walk back to the library where Stefan, Elena Xavier and Caroline are sitting at the table.

"Still glued to your seats? Ahh, it's thick with tension in here. Let's spice things up a bit. Elena, truth or dare?" Rebekah said with smirk as Angelina returned to her seat.

"We are done playing your stupid games Rebekah" Stefan said.

"Truth or dare, Elena. You are compelled. Answer." Rebekah said.


Angelina smirked "I dare you to tell Stefan the truth about Damon." She said.

" Seriously?" Caroline said.

"Calm down Caroline, or you will be next" Angelina said as Caroline glared at her. Rebekah looks at Elena.

"Being with Damon makes me happy." Elena said.

"Makes you happy? Clowns make you happy, Elena. Dig a little deeper." Rebekah said.

"When I am with him...it feels unpredictable, like...like I'm free." Elena said.

"And how do you feel when you are with Stefan?" Angelina said

"Stop." Caroline said.

"She can't, she's compelled."

"Lately, I feel like I am a project, like I am a problem that needs to be fixed. I think I make him sad, and I can't be with someone like that, because when he looks at me, all he sees is a broken toy." Elena explained and Rebekah smiles but Stefan looks hurt by what Elena said.

"Do you still love Stefan?"


"Are you still in love with Stefan?"


Elena looks like she wants to cry. Rebekah turns to Stefan. "Did that hurt? Having someone you love drive a dagger through your heart?" Rebekah aske.

"Go to hell." Stefan said.



"Welcome to the last 900 years of my life." Rebekah said and Angelina grabs her hand. Stefan looks at Rebekah. Suddenly Tyler runs through the door. "Ah, good, you are here. It was just getting depressing."

"What the hell is going on?"

"Listen to the rules carefully. Stay in the building, no vamp-running in the hallways." Rebekah said.

"Vamp-running from what?" Caroline asked.

[Rebekah compels Xavier to go home]


Elsewhere in the school, Kol tortures Shane in the custodial closet. "WHERE IS THE CURE?!" Kol shoves Shane's head into a sink filled with water, holding him there for several seconds. Kol yanks Shane's head back up, and Shane gasps for air. "Where is the cure?"

Shane is breathing heavily and doesn't reply. Rebekah and Angelina walk in. Smirking, Kol shoves Shane under again. Kol yanks Shane up, and Shane is gasping for air.

"You are human. Why do you want it anyway?" Rebekah asked Professor Shane.

"That's the beauty of this. You can have it. I just want Silas." He answered with smile and Kol's eyes widen in shock. He seemed scared.

Kol holds Shane up by his shirt. "No. What do you know about Silas?" He asks afraid of Silas as Angelina rolls her eyes not believing in Silas.

"He is the world's first immortal being, who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure... and I want to free him." Professor Shane said and Kol becomes furious which made Angelina to give him confused face.

"No!" Kol yelled as he shoves Shane under the water again. Rebekah and Angelona are in shock to see his reaction. Kol brings Shane back up for air.

"He's of no use dead." Rebekah said and Angelina nodded as Kol gave them a confused look.

"Did you not just hear what he said? Silas will kill us all, sister." Kol said as best friends rolled their eyes.

Angelina rolled her eyes saying, "Silas does not exist. He is a-a fairytale made up to scare children into eating their vegetables."

"Silas is very real. I know where he's buried, and soon I will have the spell that wakes him." Professor Shane said.

"Wait a second, you are lying. You can not get to him." Kol said.

"Without his tombstone? Dozens to die in a blood sacrifice? Believe me, I know. I have done it. Those massacres are a pain to engineer." Professor Shane explained.

"You are the one who got the council blown up." Angelina said figuring out the truth as Rebekah's eyes widen.

"It was a noble sacrifice...and temporary, because once I raise Silas, Silas will raise the dead. He will bring back every last soul who died on his behalf." Professor Shane said

Kol picks up a thin metal pipe and drives it through Shane's stomach."No!"

And he killed Shane.

Angelina roll her eyes as she glanced Kol disappointed in her boyfriend, "Great, you just killed our only chance to get the cure just because you are scared of some bedtime stories character." Angelina said glaring at Kol, "I am out of here" she said as she left.

Kol realized that moment the truth. His girlfriend wanted to become a human but he couldn't let her.

What happens next?

Will Kol forbid Angelina to become human?

Will they broke up?




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