The Proposal

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Idol(s): Lisa
Genre: Fluff
TW: None

Scenario: When you propose to her after your match.

[A/N: Reader is half-French.😉]

*Second Person's POV*

Your eyes ran around the large crowd of audience present in the stadium to witness the final match of the UEFA Women's Champions League, which was taking place in France as you stood before the referee and your opponents as the former recited the ground rules. Your lips curve into the brightest smile possible when you spot your girlfriend, Lalisa Manobal of BLACKPINK, among them.

She was excitedly jumping, waving her hands to grab your attention. You tried to wave back slightly while trying not to be disrespectful on the ground.

It was the finals, and you had to concentrate.

But your eyes couldn't leave her at all. Your heart was beating so fast just to see her among the people, cheering for you, and it made you even happier that she was wearing your spare jersey. You couldn't even explain how much you loved her.

You couldn't wait for the match to be over so you could do what you have been planning on doing for so long.

Finally, the game commenced.

You shot a final glance at Lisa, who gave you a thumbs-up and nod. You nodded back before running after the ball.

The game was fierce. Your opponents were equally strong as your team as it wasn't easy to win a goal against them. When the first half ended, the score was a neat tie.

All the others were warming up while your eyes stole a few glances at your girlfriend. You were chewing on your bottom lip, and Lisa could tell that you were anxious and nervous. You guys have been together for a long time that you know each other like the back of your hand.

She looked straight at you and closed her eyes with a nod in an assuring way. You nodded back with a smile, taking a sharp inhale.

The game continued again, and this time, your opponents were leading with a goal. But just as the fourth quarter began, the ball hit you right on your face, making everyone in the audience gasp, and Lisa stood up in panic from her seat.

You injured your nose, and you fell to the ground, groaning, and accidentally, one of the players' football studs hit your face again as many of them were still running.

Your coach called time-out, and you were immediately removed from the ground. You were one of the star players of your team, so all of your teammates were quite worried about making it without you. Your team still needed two goals to win, and there were only around fourteen minutes left.

Your coach suggested a substitute, but you refused. You assured them that you were fine despite your nose bleeding badly, even spitting out some blood and the stud marks evident on the side of your face, with minor bleeding.

Lisa watched you with a heavy heart on the big screen. She wanted to run to you, but she didn't. It's not that the world knows about your relationship. Everyone does. You guys went public with your relationship a year ago, and you are already used to the love and hate that came along with it. But the security was tight around the ground, so she wasn't sure if they would let her into the ground. She didn't want to make a scene. Plus, she wasn't sure how she'd react if she saw you hurt up close. She didn't want to emotionally drag you down.

You somehow managed to stop the bleeding, and as soon as it stopped, you returned to the ground. You didn't forget the pair of doe eyes that were looking for you concernedly. You shot a quick glance at her and smiled assuringly.

The match continued, and your captain scored one goal after several minutes, and when there was only barely a minute left, you ended the match with another goal, marking your victory.

The audience cheered loudly — papers, ribbons, claps, and loud shouts of happiness floating in the air.

Lisa clapped excitedly, her eyes swelling with pride.

You and your teammates shared a hug, and you exchanged handshakes with your opponents before you proceeded to do what you had been waiting for.

You went to get your jacket to grab the box while your best friend, who was also your team captain, went to the commentator to grab the mic.

"Listen up, Everyone!" She shouted on the mic from the podium. "Now that the match is over... my friend... our star midfielder... Y/N... has got something to say." She announced, throwing the mic over to you.

Lisa creased her eyebrows as she had no clue what you had gotten to say.

You giggled nervously on the mic. "I am sorry, but I promise I won't take much of your time." You apologised first. "Uh, today... today is a very happy day for me." You said, wiping the blood and sweat off your face. "But– but someone being here today... has made it much... much, much more special to me."

Your girlfriend's face started to redden as she realised that you were talking about her. But she still had no clue what was coming.

"Most of you might already know my girlfriend..." Almost everyone in the audience cheered. "Lisa... Lisa Manobal of BLACKPINK, and yes... she was the one I was talking about because... she's right there." You said, pointing your finger right at her, and the cameraman turned the camera to her, revealing her red face on the big screen. The crowd went wild.

She smiled shyly as the people around her started clapping teasingly, and many of them had already started recording.

"Lisa, my love," You continued. "I wish I could explain how much I love you and how much you being here matters to me. I love you more than anything in the world, and I want to keep doing that for the rest of my life. So, there's something I have been meaning to ask you for a while. Can I ask?"

"YES!" The crowd shouted, but you were still staring at her.

Lisa bit her lower lip shyly and nodded her head.

Though she was a bit far from you, she could very well see what you were doing. She watched you open the ring box and hold it in your hand.

The audience cheered even louder while she covered her mouth with teary eyes.


She couldn't stay in the crowd anymore. She ran down the rows. The guards were already informed, so they cleared the crowd for her. As she got to the ground, you gave the mic to one of your friends and ran towards her.

You caught her in your arms and spun her in the air, burying your face on her neck while she did the same, wrapping her hands around your nape. You hugged each other desperately.

"Baby, you didn't answer me!" You panted with a chuckle.

She pulled away and, without a bother in the world, grabbed your nape and kissed your lips. Both of you could taste your blood on the kiss as your wound was still not properly dressed, but it didn't matter. The moment was too precious and, like you said... it was special.

The crowd clapped as all of them watched you both on the big screen.

"Of course. Of course, I will marry you, my dear. I love you so much. Just so fucking much." She shouted happily as you pulled away.

You sniffled, taking her hand and putting the ring on her fingers. It fitted her perfectly, and Lisa couldn't help but think it was the most beautiful ring that she had ever seen. She took the other ring from you and wore it on your fingers as well.

Everyone around you continued to cheer and clap as thousands — even millions — of eyes watched your engagement. You pulled Lisa closer again and kissed her, excited and eager to start a new chapter of your relationship and life.

[A/N: Requested!😇Hope you like it, Mate!❤️]

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