Go For A Walk

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Idol(s): Jisoo
Genre: Fluff
TW: None

Scenario: You wait for her outside her work.

*Third Person's POV*

The delightful spring months of Korea.

The time when the whole country stays at its full glory as temperatures start to improve across the country, the sun starts to shine, and the greys of winter in Korea become a distant memory. Almost every path in the city is contoured by cherry blossom trees and its flowers cover the roads, and their faint scent lingers in the air.

The cherry blossom creates light, fluffy pink, and white canopies that form archways when the trees are close together, the petals gently ‘snowing’ down from the branches in the warm breeze. The sight itself is nothing less than romantic and blissful. And you can't find a face in the crowd that can't admire this painting by nature.

On one of such evenings, the four idols left their practice room a little early, feeling content to have finished what they had in their minds. They walked out, talking and giggling with each other, but a sudden overwhelming rush of longing hit one of them.

Jisoo heaved a deep sigh as she and the other three girls walked through the corridors of their studio building, her eyes scanning the scenery outside.

The walkway outside their studio was shadowed by cherry blossom trees, and it'd automatically drag your eyes to them. It looked so beautiful in the evening sun.

"Something wrong, Unnie?" Lisa asked, noticing that the older girl as she was walking beside her.

"I miss Y/N." She mumbled with a pout.

"What!?" Jennie chuckled, overhearing her words. "Aren't you guys living together? Was she not home in the morning?"

"No, she was. I just– I don't know. I just miss her." She said with a smile.

"Why, though? Are you guys not getting enough time with each other or something like that?" Rosè asked curiously.

"Did you perhaps fight again?" Jennie added.

"No, no. It's nothing like that." She said, almost a whine. "It's just that the weather is nice, and I feel like I need her with me. You know, how some people crave ice cream when it rains or hot chocolate when snow falls. There's no particular reason. They just need it. I feel like that." Jisoo admitted as a blush crept onto her face.

"Aw! Look at you, Unnie, blushing." The Aussie girl teased.

The girls know how much their Unnie and her girlfriend, Y/N, love each other. They know that the couple share a deeper connection, always so sickeningly romantic. They are each other's best friends and soul mates. Sometimes, they fight like crazy and get on each other's nerves, but at the end of the day, they are in love with each other more than anything.

"In that case, why don't you call her? Tell her to come and pick you up." Lisa said, giggling.

The older girl shook her head.

"She must be at work. I don't want to disturb her. This feels so silly. And you know that idiot is a workaholic." She muttered.

"Huh!? I don't understand you at all." The Thai girl whined.

"That's because it's love, Monkey. You are going to die single." Rosè joked.

"Yah, Park Chaeyoung!"

"Are you threatening my hubby, Lalisa?" The cat-eyed girl asked with a fake threatening face.

"N– no!" Lisa stuttered as the three of them laughed while Jisoo was still lost in thoughts of her girlfriend.

As the girls got down, their managers greeted them in the lobby.

"Are you guys done for today?" Jane asked.

The four of them nodded.

"Straight to home, right? No other plans." Allison enquired.

"Yep! I am so freaking tired." Jennie whined. "And someone else misses her baby." She teased.

They were still joking and laughing as they got out of the building, and before they entered their vans, a voice called out.


"Oh! It's Y/N." Rosè chirped, pointing across the road.

There stood the older girl's girlfriend by the sidewalk with the brightest smile possible on her face, soft cherry blossom petals falling over her through the gentle breeze — like a moment you feel like you are in a movie or a fairytale. The gentle rays of sun illuminating her face, the warm wind playing with her smooth [your hair color] hair.

Y/N looked surreal that Jisoo almost couldn't believe her eyes.

"Baby!!!" Jisoo exclaimed, sprinting to her girlfriend and hugging her tightly.

Y/N chuckled as she wrapped her hands around the short girl.

"Doesn't feel like an I-had-a-bad-day kinda hug, Chu!" Y/N joked.

"That's right!" Jisoo agreed, raising her head. "The day was okay. I just missed my girl so much."

The tall girl laughed. "Feels relatable. Because I missed you, too." She whispered, sharing an Eskimo kiss.


Y/N nodded, pouting.

"The weather is nice. So, I thought I'd take my girl out for a walk and maybe go see the cherry blossom festival?"

Jisoo's face widened brightly. Her girlfriend always knew what her heart wanted.

"Of course, I'd love that."

Y/N chuckled, cupping the short girl's face and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Shall we go?" She asked.

The older girl nodded excitedly, interlocking their hands.

"Bye, guys!" She turned around to wave at the girls once, and they nodded teasingly at her. Y/N also made sure to return their smiles with a wink.

As they proceeded to walk away, one of the managers shouted, "Hey! Wear a mask, at least."

Jisoo giggled, looking through her pockets for her face mask. But there was none. She looked up at Y/N to see her nodding assuringly, and the tall girl pulled out a mask from her coat's pocket and made her girlfriend wear it.

"You are the best, Baby!" Jisoo giggled, pinching Y/N's nose.

"Of course! I know that." She responded cockily.

"Idiot!" The short girl mumbled with a snort.

"Yeah, yeah! I love you, too."

Even with the mask, they knew people could recognize her, and the photos of their lovely time are going to spread soon. But it didn't matter. They craved each other's presence too much to care about anything else.

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