Chapter 45

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--- Addy's POV ---

Jodine arrived at my house around lunch time so we could start getting ready for Prom. She came armed with several bags full of makeup and hair products that I knew I would end up covered in. She'd driven to my house in a dressing gown with a towel in her hair fresh out of the shower, if anyone had seen her she'd have looked like she was running away from a hospital.

'Okay go and take a shower while I set up' she shoved me into the bathroom

'Set up what?' I asked

'Everything we need' she rolled her eyes 'Now go'

I did as I was told but didn't rush, I wasn't exactly jumping for joy at the thought of being Jodine's doll. When I'd washed every part of my body and shaved I shut off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked across the hall to my room to face the upcoming hours of torture.

'Great you're done' Jodine smiled at me

'I can't believe you came over here dressed like that' I laughed

'It's all in the name of beauty my dear' she grinned

'Whatever you say' I stuck my tongue out at her

'I'm letting you do your own hair because I need to do mine as well' she pulled a hair dryer out of one of her bags 'But I'm telling you what to do'

'Fine' I gave in and plugged in my own hair dryer

'Just follow my lead with this and you'll be fine' she sat down beside me at my dressing table

I spent the next ten minutes struggling to copy Jodine's actions with the hairdryer and by the end of it I was starting to lose feeling in my arm. But, despite the loss of feeling, my hair did look good. It looked thicker with a lot more volume.

'I'm too nervous to let you loose with the curlers so I'll do it for you' Jodine produced a pair of hair tongs and turned them on

She softly curled all of my hair and then pulled back the top layers, securing them in place with a small black flower hair slide. I looked at the clock and saw that we'd spent almost an hour doing our hair and my stomach rumbled.

'I'm going to get some snacks be right back' I said quickly and left her to do her hair 

Daniel was downstairs with Leah making a cake in the kitchen. They both smiled at me when I walked in, the two of them were covered in flour.

'Since when did you bake Daniel?' I smirked at him

'Since Leah told me it was a cute couple thing to do' he shrugged

'Your hair looks really nice Addy' Leah smiled

'Thanks' I grinned

I found a bag of chips and emptied them into a bowl to take back upstairs.

'You've got a little something on your cheek' I pointed to Daniel

'Shut up' he wiped his hand across his face which only added to the mess

I laughed at him and left them to their baking, I was pretty sure that Leah would stop him from burning the house down. When I got back to my room Jodine was just putting the finishing touches to her complicated updo.

'We need to take a break' I announced and put the bowl down

'Fine' she agreed

We sat down and started working our way through the chips. Much to my disappointment I only managed to keep Jodine occupied for about half an hour before she had me back in the chair to start on makeup. She attacked me with brushes and fingertips covered in eye shadow but she wouldn't let me watch what she was doing in the mirror.

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