Chapter 6

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---Addy's POV---

We arrived at Rian's and I raced Jack up to the door while the others trailed behind us. They were probably still recovering from Jack's off key singing on the way there. I got there first so Jack, being a bad loser, tackled me to the ground and started tickling me. I was completely helpless as he attacked my sides, I couldn't even escape because he was sat on top of me.

'Jack please have mercy' I managed to gasp out between giggles.

'Never' he shouted and continued his attack.

'Jack we need her as our tech girl if we ever get famous so don't kill her please' Rian begged as he unlocked the door.

'I won't kill her don't worry' Jack said but he had an evil glint in his eye.

I looked up at Alex and Zack who were just laughing. Zack eventually got bored of laughing at us and pulled Jack off of me and then gave me a hand to get up. My shirt had ridden up and my bra was almost completely visible, I blushed and quickly pulled it down.

Jack ran up and kissed me on the cheek 'Sorry Adeline' and ran inside. Zack followed, probably to try and keep Jack from burning down the house.

I heard a crash from inside followed by a lot of shouting. Jack seemed to cause havoc wherever he went, when he visited my house I had to move anything breakable, Rian had obviously forgotten to do that though. I turned to head inside and see what damage had been done when Alex stopped me.

'Wait Addy' I turned to Alex.

He came towards me and put his hand to the back of my head

'There's a leaf in your hair' He laughed at me as he pulled it out.

'Oh thanks' I said, he was just looking at me smiling into my eyes

'Maybe rolling around on the grass with Jack wasn't such a good idea you're all muddy' He said pointing at my knees which were covered in mud and grass stains

'Damn these are my favourite jeans he attacked me I couldn't get away' I groaned

'Adlex get in here' Adlex was our combination name, like Jalex. The boys got sick of shouting our individual names over the Summer so they turned it into one.

'Hey we'd better head inside before Rian has an aneurysm or something' Alex cleared his throat

We both laughed and went inside. On the way down to the basement I saw that a vase had been broken I shook my head at Jack.

'Jack did you break Rian's Mom's vase' I put my hands on my hips

'It was an accident' He looked at me sheepishly

'I hope you've apologised' I pointed my finger at him

'My Mom is still going to slaughter me though' Rian glared over at Jack

'She might not notice' Jack said hopefully

'Of course she will it's her favourite one' Rian said as he sat down at his drums

'I did say sorry' Jack mumbled

'You boys' I sighed and sat on the sofa so they could start playing.

'Any requests Addy?' Alex asked from behind his microphone

'How's Last Flight Home going?' I asked

'Oh we finished it actually want to hear it?' he strummed his guitar

I nodded at him and they started to play. Rian was at the back on the drums, Zack was on the right playing bass. Then Alex was in the middle singing and Jack was on the left trying to play guitar.

---Alex's POV---

I laughed as Addy told Jack off for breaking the vase. He was so clumsy especially when he was excited and things just managed to break when he was around. We set up and started playing our first song 'Last Flight Home' after Addy asked about it. We'd just about got the song done, Jack just needed to learn to play his fucking instrument. We played through four songs that we'd finished and then Jack got bored, he threw himself down on the sofa next to Addy and rested his head in her lap, she started to run her hands through his hair.

I felt a tinge of what I'm pretty pure was jealousy when I watched them. I was fine with Addy being close with the other guys but I wanted it to be me lying on her lap. She should have been running her hands through my hair not his.

'Alex?' Zack waved his hand in front if my face breaking me from the trance I didn't realise I was in 'Are you okay?'

I noticed everyone else had gone upstairs already. I'd been thinking for longer than I thought.

'Is it Addy?' he asked

I sighed and nodded I told him everything, all about my confusing feelings about her right up to what I was thinking about with her and Jack. When I'd finished he thought for a couple of minutes before replying.

'Well firstly I can tell you for sure that she doesn't like Jack she only has eyes for you' I nodded for him to carry on 'And I don't think it would ruin your friendship if anything it'll be stronger you're practically dating already' He laughed.

I knew what he said made perfect sense and he was right 'Thanks Zack'

'It's no problem' He replied

'You won't tell anyone right? I checked

'Of course I won't' He smiled 'Now come get some pizza before Jack eats it all'

I laughed and followed him upstairs.

When I got into the kitchen Addy, Jack and Rian were around the kitchen table eating pizza. There was only one seat left and Zack took it leaving me with nowhere to sit. Addy noticed and stood up, she pushed her chair closer to Jacks and told him to move over.

'Sit down Alex I'll sit on you and Jack' I sat down next to Jack and then she sat down on us.

'Have I spread the weight evenly enough?' She asked us wiggling about

'Yeah it's fine just sit still' I said stealing Jack's slice of pizza out his hand

'Alex that's mine' Jack whined at me

'Oh for crying out loud have this one' Rian said passing him a slice. Jack took it and stuck his tongue out at me before stuffing it into his mouth

We finished off the pizza and then went into the sitting room to watch TV. Rian took the armchair with his dog. Zack lounged on the floor while Jack and I took either end of the sofa and Addy jumped on top of us. Suddenly the front door slammed, signalling the return of Rian's Mom. We all held our breaths waiting for her to see the vase.

'Rian what have you done to my vase?' Mrs Dawson shrieked

'And that's my cue to leave' Jack jumped up almost chucking Addy onto the floor but I grabbed her before she fell.

'Nice to see you Mrs Dawson you look lovely as always but I can't stop things to do people to see' Jack ran from the house

'I want an explanation for this Rian' Mrs Dawson appeared in the doorway

'Mom please it was an accident' Rian begged

I could tell it was going to get worse before it got better so I got up dragging Addy with me.

'We'd love to stay really but it's getting late and Addy gets scared of the dark' I apologised and waved to Rian ignoring his look of horror and Addy's elbow in my side.

Zack followed us, even he didn't want to watch Rian get yelled at. We left the house and Zack said goodnight before heading in the opposite direction to us. I wrapped my arm around Addy and we started walking home.

AUTHORS NOTE: Okay I'm pretty sure this is my longest one so far so yay for me I'm really proud of it. If you're reading this then thank you it means a lot <3

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