Chapter 8

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---Alex's POV---

I lay awake thinking while Addy was sound asleep, her small body tucked perfectly into mine and my arm was around her waist keeping her from falling out of bed.

My mind kept flashing back to when she got changed. I'd seen her in her underwear a million times but I'd never really looked at her. I never realised how much she'd changed, her childish figure had transformed into that of a woman, with curves in all the right places.

I'd never really seen Addy as an actual girl, she'd always just been one of the boys. She didn't even dress like most girls, she spent more time wearing mine and Jack's clothes than her own. The hoody she'd discarded on my bedroom floor was Jack's and even then she was wearing my boxers. I knew she was 17 so she should be developed, but it seemed like only last year that she was a skinny little girl with plaits in her hair. But then again I'd grown up too, I was still pretty skinny but I'd built up some muscle and I had to shave every other day.

I remember when she got her first bra, I took the piss so much. What with her parents being gone, and her having very few female friends, I'd had to go with her to get it. She was so nervous and embarrassed, I smiled fondly at the memory. We were at the mall one day and she dragged me into Victoria's Secret ignoring the disapproving looks we got from the shop assistants. I tried to be mature about it but I was a 14 year old boy surrounded by lingerie so I ended up being kicked out.

And when she got her first period when we were over at Jack's and she came downstairs from the bathroom looking worried and stood in the doorway. She asked if we could go to the store but wouldn't tell us why until she went over to the female hygiene products. But we both knew that she had nobody else to talk to about it so we helped her with everything. It's what real friends do.

Looking down at her, I realised she'd gone through the awkward stages of growing up at the same time as me and turned into a woman. Her copper hair fell in waves down her back, and her dark eyes were always full of emotion and when she smiled at me she would scrunch her button nose. She was quite small but her short legs were skinny leading up to her perfectly formed ass. And her flat stomach defined her decently sized chest. All in all I thought she was perfect.

Suddenly she rolled towards me in her sleep, but due to the fact that the bed was single I was forced to lie flat. And that meant she ended up lying on top of me with her legs either side of my waist and her head buried in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist to keep her in place and she snuggled into me. It felt so right and I cherished the moment. I decided that staying friends with her wouldn't be all bad if we carried on acting how we were.

But something in me wanted her to be mine, I didn't want other boys touching her. Some boys are the sort who go for girls like Addy, the vulnerable kind. But I wasn't going to let her into their clutches, I'd never forgive myself.

Addy's top had ridden up and I trailed my fingers up and down her spine softly so as not to wake her. I felt kind of comforted by her presence, she made me feel at ease and that's what I loved about her I eventually fell asleep thinking about the pros and cons of a relationship with Addy.

AUTHORS NOTE: Yeah this is just a short filler that shows some of the past memories to show how they have grown up and gives you an idea of Addy's appearance... Well in Alex's eyes anyway. But I'm going to put Chapter 9 up as well to make up for it <3

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