Chapter 39

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--- Addy's POV ---

We'll collect you in an half hour

Okay bye Alex

Bye Addy

I frowned as I hung up on Alex, neither of us had said our usual 'I love you' which was weird. Ever since we'd had that huge argument we hadn't quite been the same. We'd argue more over little things, never huge full blown rows, but constant disagreements. I couldn't work out what had changed between us it wasn't that I didn't love him anymore, if anything I'd grown to love him even more as time progressed and I think he felt the same way. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and turned my attention to getting ready for All Time Low's gig. The boys were all really excited about it because a record label was sending someone out to watch them and there was a chance that they'd get signed. I still hadn't told anyone about my college acceptance and I wasn't planning on doing so for a while, the letter was lying safely in my desk drawer.

Half an hour later I was standing on my doorstep in the cold February air waiting for the boys van to come around the corner and pick me up. They arrived ten minutes late so there was no time to stop and I hadn't even fastened my seatbelt before Zack's Dad was driving away. 

'Sorry we're late' Alex apologised and kissed me

'No worries I'm sure my fingers will regain feeling sometime soon' I joked 

'I can think of one way to speed up that process' he smirked suggestively

'You've got a one track mind Alexander' I kissed his nose 

'I can't help it I'm young and horny and you're hot' he shrugged

'Who's hot?' Jack interrupted from beside me

'Your Mom' Alex laughed childishly

'Hilarious' Jack glared

I rolled my eyes at the pair of them as they started hitting each other over the top of me.

'So are you ready for tonight?' I asked Rian who was sitting behind me

'I think so we've practiced loads' he nodded

'You'll be amazing I know you will' I reassured him

'Thanks Addy' he smiled

'Couldn't Kara come tonight then?' I frowned

'No she said she had other plans with her friends' he sighed

'Sorry Ri' I smiled sadly 

I couldn't believe she'd be so selfish, Rian had been her boyfriend for ages and she couldn't even bring herself to be there on what could be the most important night of his young life. I would have gone even if Alex wasn't my boyfriend. That night meant a lot to all of them and they needed moral support.

'Dad come on we're going to be late' Zack complained from the front seat

'We've got ten minutes and the venue is five minutes away' his Dad replied

'Sorry I'm just nervous' Zack mumbled

We got to the venue and we all piled out of the van, everyone grabbed some equipment and headed inside. Their dressing room was small but it provided a space for them all to sit and prepare themselves for the show. 

'Alex don't forget to warm up' I warned

'I'm on it' he nodded

While Alex was going through his vocals the other three sat around nervously. I watched the different ways that they coped with the stress, Rian would thrash his drumsticks around, Zack was sitting quietly in the corner, Jack just couldn't sit still and Alex was wringing his hands mindlessly as he sang.

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