Chapter 7

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---Addy's POV---

We left Rian's house so we didn't have to watch Rian's Mom go mental at him about the vase. Zack was catching a bus so it was just Alex and me as we walked home. The Autumn air was cold but Alex kept his arm around my shoulders providing some warmth.

'I love October' Alex smiled looking up at the sky

'No you love Halloween' I laughed

'Yeah of course I do Jack throws the best parties' he laughed with me

'Yeah until he throws up on you' I grimaced

'He really shouldn't get so wasted at his own party' Alex shook his head

'Yeah but this is Jack we're talking about' I reminded him

'True' He chuckled 'Have you got your costume?'

'No I don't know what to go as and it's next week so I'm freaking out' I said dramatically

'I haven't decided yet either I'll end up going as a fucking emo at this rate' He joked

'Hey why don't we both go as emos?' I suggested 'Just for a joke'

'You want to?' he grinned down at me 'I'll do it but in full Halloween tradition we will be slutty emos'

'Yeah let's do it and yeah Halloween is the sluttiest holiday in existence' I agreed

'I am so picking your outfit' he squealed like a little girl

'Fair enough but only if I get to pick yours' I reasoned

'Okay you still coming with me?' He asked 'You haven't found some other boy?'

'No of course not I'd never ditch you Lexy' I punched his arm lightly

'You know you can go with someone else if they ask' He said shyly

'Alex' I forced him to look at me 'You're the one I want to go with even if somebody else does ask me I'll still say no' 

'Okay then it's a date' he winked 'I'll be there to look after you and stop boys advancing on you'

'Alex you're turning into a proper gentleman' I smirked up at him

'Well somebody has to look after you and I guess that's my job as your slutty emo date' He laughed

We arrived at my front door and Alex pulled me in for a hug

'Is your brother in?' He asked.

'Yeah he is he'll have another slut in there I imagine' I cringed.

I would have to listen to it all night because I barely slept, the nightmares made sure of that. And my brother always chose the loud girls for some reason.

'Well I'll leave my window open text me before you come in though' He chuckled. 'I'll probably see you later' He said and crossed the lawn to his own house.

I went inside and checked for any signs of my brother. His shoes were by the door so I knew he was in the building. Then I heard a giggle from upstairs.

'So it begins' I mumbled to myself.

If Mum and Dad had still been there he wouldn't have been that way. When I was six and Daniel was eleven our parents were killed. We were crossing a road and I was whining and dragging behind, Mom and Dad stopped in the middle of the road to look back for me and a bus hit them at high speed. That left me and my brother so our Aunt and Uncle looked after us until Daniel was eighteen and could legally take the role as my guardian. He usually did a good job but he just had a terrible choice in women, after they died he started going out every evening drinking and picking up women. It made me feel guilty because he must have been under a lot of stress so I tried to be as independent as possible.

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