Chapter 2

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It was Monday morning and I felt like shit to say the least. I barely slept because of the nightmares that had haunted my dreams for years. To top off my bad mood, mother nature had decided to visit me and mess up my hormones. I dragged myself out of bed to my closet and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, a shirt and a hoody which I may have belonged to Jack. Ten minutes later I was showered and dressed, I ran a brush through my hair but I couldn't be bothered to do anything with it.

At 8am Alex knocked on my door so we could walk to school. He was his usual hyper self as I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my bag. I shouted goodbye to my brother and slammed the front door shut skipping breakfast because I couldn't stomach it.

'Hey Addy what's up with you today?' Alex asked 'You seem kind of moody' his arm found its usual place around my shoulders as he looked down at me

'Nothing I'm just tired okay?' I knew I was being stroppy but I didn't care

'Okay I'm just checking' Alex was taken aback by my mood but I ignored him

We got to Jack's house and he bounded out the front door like an excited puppy.

'Hey nice hoody Addy looks like one of mine' He laughed as he fell into step beside us

'Yeah it probably is' I shrugged

The rest of the walk to school was filled with Jack and Alex talking utter rubbish. We arrived at school and walked to mine and Jack's lockers first so we could get our books out. Alex leant against the locker beside mine and looked at me.

'Are you sure you're okay Addy?' He frowned searching my face 

I couldn't lie to him so I was trying to think of a way to get out of it. Just as I was about to answer Jade Williams strutted over in her too high for school heels, her locker was next to mine and Alex was leaning on it.

'Hey Alex would you excuse me please?' she gave him a flirty smile

Her low cut top and short skirt was having the desired effect on Alex, and also Jack who's mouth was hanging open. I slapped Jack in the chest and closed his mouth for him.

'Jack stop drooling' I rolled my eyes 'Come on Alex lets go' 

Alex stepped away from her locker and walked around me to Jack's locker where they started discussing that night's band practice. When she was sure Alex wasn't listening Jade turned to me and looked me up and down, a disgusted look on her face.

'What the fuck are you looking at?' she spat

'I think I'm looking at you actually' I smirked 'Problem?'

'You're such a freak' she shook her head 'I can't believe Alex can even stand to breathe the same air as you'

'Oh shut up Jade' I sighed and turned back to my locker

'I bet he just feels sorry for you' she carried on 'He pities you'

'Why would he pity me?' I raised an eyebrow at her expectantly

'Because you're just a little orphan' she patronised me

'I am so fucking sick of you' I slammed my locker shut 'You act like you're somehow better than me yet all you can do is make low comments about who I'm friends with'

I didn't even try to keep my voice quiet and everyone in the corridor was watching us. Including Jack and Alex.

'Well I am better than you' She smiled viciously at me, loving the attention from everyone 

'What makes you think that?' I narrowed my eyes at her 

'Well for a start I've got parents' she stepped right up to my face

That was when I broke, I shoved her in the chest and she took a few steps backwards. She quickly recovered and punched me across the face sending me crashing to the floor shocked at what she'd just done I thought she was too prissy to actually punch someone.

Jack and Alex quickly sprang into action, Jack helped me up off the floor while Alex picked up my books which had scattered everywhere.

'You fucking bitch' I wiped my nose which was bleeding

'Well I think we can all see what having dead parents does to you' Jade sneered

That comment unleashed a new strength in me, but Jack held me back from her and Alex stepped in front of me. Jade smoothed out her skirt, flicked her hair, winked at Alex and stalked off.

'Addy!' Jack fought against my struggling 'Addy!'

'Adeline calm down' Alex spoke firmly 

I wrenched myself out of Jack's grasp and looked around, people were staring and whispering some were even laughing at me. Tears filled my eyes as I looked back at Jack and Alex.

'Come on' Alex ushered me away from the lockers

They took me to the boys bathroom on the third floor that was very rarely used except for sluts hooking up with the football team but it was too early for that so it was empty. I leaned against the sink as I tried to stop the tears from falling.

'Don't cry' Jack shushed me

'I'm sick of being pitied I'm sick of being looked at' I cried 'I just want them back'

'I know' he said sadly

'Here let me clean you up' Alex wiped gently at my bloody nose

'She punched you pretty hard' Jack grimaced at the blood

'I'm pretty sure nothing's broken' Alex stepped back and looked me over 'It'll just hurt a bit'

'Thanks' I sniffled

'Now give me a smile' he wiped his thumb under my eye to catch the tears as I gave him a weak smile 'That's my girl'

'Are you going to be okay?' Jack asked

''Yeah' I nodded 'Thanks guys'

'No problem' Jack hugged me

The bell for the start of school rang and we gathered our stuff together and left the bathroom. Jack turned left for History and Alex and I turned left for Maths he grabbed my hand a practically dragged me to Maths, we just about made it on time and found our usual seats in the back corner.

AUTHORS NOTE: Two updates in one day? Wow. I will try to update this a lot because I really enjoy writing it and I don't want to be annoying. But yeah, please comment or something. Thank you for reading :)

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