Chapter 11

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---Addy's POV---

When I got inside Daniel was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

'What're you making?' I asked looking over his shoulder

'Oh hey Addy' He ruffled my hair 'I'm just doing a casserole is that okay?'

'Yeah sure I'm going to go do my homework' I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge

'Okay this'll be ready in about an hour' He called to me as I went upstairs

I looked at the family pictures lining the walls and smiled fondly at them. I missed my parents I really did, but things could have been so much worse. I still had my brother to look after me which some kids didn't. My Mom always taught me to count my blessings. I still wished they were there though.

I chucked my stuff down on my bed as soon as I got into my room and pulled out my homework then put it all on my desk and sat down to start it. As I was working a sharp stabbing pain started in my stomach, the unmistakable sting of period pains. I sighed and tried to ignore them and I'd finished all my work by the time Daniel called me for tea so I was starving. I ran downstairs and took my seat at the table as he brought over two plates and set one down in front of me.

'Wow someone's hungry' He laughed as I started straight away

'I've just done all my homework of course I am' I said through a mouth full of food

'Would you please empty your mouth before speaking' He looked disgusted 'And it's good to see you're focusing on work instead of those boys' He said

'I still see them I've just found a way to balance it all out' I said, swallowing before speaking this time

'I'm still not happy with that Gaskarth kid' He clenched his jaw

'Daniel he's my best friend he's no harm' I told him

'Well if tries any funny business again I will not be held responsible for my actions you're my baby sister and nobody touches you until you're at least 20' He threatened

'We're just friends why can't anyone accept that we aren't sleeping with each other' I moaned pushing aside the memory of last night

'I don't know there's just always been something between you two even as kids' He said

'That doesn't mean we're having sex though' I exclaimed

'I should bloody well hope not Adeline I forbid any physical contact of that sort you are too young' He growled

'What?' I exclaimed 'Even kissing?'

'Including kissing' he nodded

'Daniel I'm 17 not 7' I reminded him

I had my first when I was 14 actually, from Alex and I was his. It was at a Halloween disco at school, we were just sitting on the wall outside but was perfect. He put his hand on my cheek and leaned in and pressed his lips softly to mine. It only lasted couple of seconds but it was still perfect, when he pulled away we just smiled at each other, there could never be any awkwardness between us. After that we just became inseparable and it's been the same since. Alex went on to become the first person I made out with that night. We'd done it a couple of times since then but it never changed our friendship if anything it just made us closer. I figured telling Daniel all of that would not be a good idea as he'd probably go straight round and castrate Alex.

'Whatever Daniel' I rolled my eyes 'Haven't you got a girl round tonight?'

For once I hoped he'd say yes so he wouldn't notice me not being in my room

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