Chapter 34

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--- Alex's POV ---

I woke up on the 1st of January with a hangover passed out on Rian's sofa. I opened my eyes completely and found Addy asleep on my chest. Memories of last night came flooding back, she wasn't just my friend anymore, she was my girlfriend and, despite my headache, I smiled. A few minutes later Addy woke up, I waited a few second so she could adjust to the light and then spoke.

'Morning girlfriend' I sang

'Good morning boyfriend' she leaned up and kissed me

'Did you have fun last night?' I asked

'A lot' she nodded 'You?'

'Yeah I got myself an amazing girlfriend' I smiled

'Funny that because I found an amazing boyfriend' she laughed

'How ironic' I winked and kissed her

Just as the kiss was about to deepen, we were interrupted. Jack, Zack, Rian and Kara walked in.

'Are you two still drunk?' Zack asked his eyes wide

'No' I shook my head

'What's going on then?' he frowned

'Meet my new girlfriend' I gestured to Addy

Jack squealed and ran over to hug us both while Zack and Rian high fived each other. Kara stayed where she was, glaring at me.

'I can't believe this is finally happening' Jack shouted

'Me neither' Rian smiled his extremely white smile

'We had to stop them from having sex several times last night dude' Zack scoffed

'But they were drunk' Rian said

'Yeah but even so it was obvious that something would happen' Zack shrugged

'Come on I doubt we were that bad' Addy folded her arms

'Oh you were' Rian nodded

'It was kind of awkward to watch at some points' Zack grimaced

'I loved every minute of it' Jack said

'You would' I laughed

'Jack oh my God' Addy suddenly shouted

'What?' we all looked at her expecting something dramatic

'Jodine' she simply said

'I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend' he blushed

'Way to go man' I hugged him

'Good job' Zack bro fisted Jack

I noticed Kara still glaring at me and Addy so I waved at her, she looked even more annoyed and marched over to us all.

'I hate to interrupt your celebrations' she said 'But Rian and I have to clean the house it's almost midday'

'I'm sure Rian can ask us himself' Addy said

'Have you got a problem with me?' Kara glared

'No but you seem to have one with me' Addy spat

'The only thing I have a problem with is the way you behaved last night' Kara scoffed

'And how did I behave?' Addy folded her arms

'You acted like a total slut embarrassing yourself and getting drunk you should be ashamed' Kara sneered

'How did I act like a slut?' Addy got up off the sofa we were sitting on

'Making out with Alex the whole night I'm surprised you can even look at him this morning after you spent the party whoring yourself out to him' Kara squared up to Addy

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