Chapter 18

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--- Addy's POV ---

The few weeks after the party went by without much excitement, Alex and I didn't mention what happened and we kept up our routine each night and everything was fine just the way it was before.

Then Jade struck, just like I knew she would. She'd been biding her time; her and her friends would shoot me dirty looks whenever I walked past and then start whispering. I guess this is what they'd been planning all along.

I walked into the cafeteria one day and everyone turned to look at me, whispering to each other. I went over to the table where Jack, Alex and Rian were sitting and they all fell silent. I knew something was up, they all looked nervous.

'What's going on' I asked

'Addy I think you should sit down' Alex said softly

'Just tell me' I demanded drawing the attention of the people surrounding us

I noticed Jack wouldn't look me in the eye.

'Jack what is it?' I tried him

'Please just don't freak out Addy' Rian said

'Will you just fucking tell me before I rip the balls off one of you' I threatened

Rian pulled a piece of paper out of his bag and slid it across the table to me. It was the school paper "written by students for students".

'Open it there's an insert' Rian said

I looked up at the three boys, Jack was practically hiding under the table, Rian was fiddling with the sleeve of his hoody and Alex had his head in his hands as they waited for me to read it.

I flipped open the paper and my jaw dropped. Slipped inside was a huge picture of me at the party with Jack when we were passed out by the door. My skirt had ridden up and you could see my underwear as I practically straddled him. There was a small article underneath reading:


It has been brought to our attention that Adeline Maynard has fallen pregnant with her; we're assuming, boyfriend Jack Barakat. The couple are pictured above obviously showing their feelings for each other at a party a couple of weeks ago. Jade Williams, who was at the party, tells us 'they were all over each other all night; they make a really cute couple. I spoke to her at the party and she told me that she was pregnant; we're very close friends you see. I just want to send my congratulations to the couple'. It may not be the most respectable life choice but maybe we should all be more accepting. If you have a comment or a message for the happy couple please don't hesitate to send in your messages'

It can't have been put in by the editors; Jade must have somehow put a copy inside each paper. I clenched my fist around the paper slamming my other hand down on the table making Jack jump.

'Addy calm do-' Alex took my hand but I wrenched it away from him

'Do not tell me to calm down Alex' I said through gritted teeth and he sat back down again slowly bowing his head.

'How fucking dare she say that about me pretending we're friends' I flipped 'Who even wrote the fucking article? Jade I'm assuming with the help of her minions I cannot believe this is happening of course I'm not fucking pregnant and to think people are believing this shit' I raged

The three boys remained silent looking anywhere but at me so I continued. People on the surrounding tables were watching my outburst.

'And the fact that they dragged Jack into this it's one thing to do this to me but when they bring my friends into it that's when shit gets real' I threw the paper down and stormed out of the cafeteria towards the school gates where Jade and her friends would smoke at lunch time. Jack, Rian and Alex shouted me back but I ignored them and carried on walking until I reached Jade.

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