Chapter 19

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--- Addy's POV ---

I didn't even try to cover up my bruises because I knew it wouldn't work so I got ready for school and ran out the door so that Daniel wouldn't see the mess I was in. I winced as I walked down the steps to where Alex was waiting; the pain in my ribs hadn't been improved much by the painkillers.

'Are you sure you should be in today?' Alex asked as we walked to school

'I'm fine' I put on a smile for him even though I was terrified of seeing one of the girls

'If you're certain' he said unsurely.

I knew he'd seen straight through the smile and I was grateful that he wasn't pushing the subject; we didn't need any arguments.

'I am' I nodded my head 'It's the stares because of my face that are going to bother me'

'If they've got anything to say send them to me' he gently wrapped his arm around my shoulders

When we got to school Jack and Rian were waiting by mine and Jack's lockers. Their smiles turned to looks of horror when they saw my face and I noticed other people staring at me too.

'Addy your face' Jack gasped

'It's fine' I opened my locker

'But it looks so sore' Rian said

'You should see her ribs she could barely stand up this morning when she got up' Alex said

'I'm sorry Addy' Jack hugged me gently from behind

'How did you see her when she got up?' Rian asked Alex

Jack and Rian don't know about our sleeping arrangements because of the Adlex stuff, we figured it'd be less stressful to keep it quiet.

'Oh she told me on the way here' Alex quickly covered his tracks

'Okay?' Rian said but I knew he didn't quite believe it.

I turned round and found most of the people in the corridor looking at me; I really don't cope well with people looking at me it made me so nervous.

'I'll see you all later' I excused myself and headed to the Principal's office to face my sentence.


'So what did the Principal say?' Rian asked as I sat down at lunch.

People were still staring and I'd been passed a few hate notes in class from Jade's friends. But I thought it'd be a good idea if I didn't mention it; the boys would only get protective. Especially Alex.

'He took pity on me because of my "situation" so I've got to do a week of detention because I started the argument' I explained

'Yay we can be detention buddies' Jack cheered

'But they were the ones hitting you' Alex looked pissed off 'Have they been punished?'

'Jade's been suspended for two days for messing with the school paper and they all have to do a week of detention for fighting' I said

'That's ridiculous they should get expelled or something' Jack frowned

'Well Tianna Short's got a black eye so you got some payback' Rian smiled

'Yeah but she probably doesn't look as bad as me' I sighed

'Addy you'll always be ten times as pretty as her even if you're covered in bruises' Alex leaned over and kissed my forehead.

'Adlex Adlex Adlex' Jack chanted enthusiastically

'Fuck off Jack' Alex flipped him off

'You'd just make such a cute couple' Jack sighed

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