Chapter 26

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--- Alex's POV ---

I couldn't get the image of Addy answering the door out my head. She looked so miserable, she'd obviously been crying and it was definitely my fault. She was wearing one of my shirts and that made my heart do a somersault, I don't even know why but it was just cute. Our argument had gotten so heated, it was worse than ever. We'd never insulted each other like that; it was like an unwritten rule between the two of us. I kept on worrying that maybe I'd gone too far, she might never forgive me. I couldn't cope without her though and I knew it. I spent that whole weekend writing songs, I had plenty to write about. My parents were still furious at me and Jack hadn't called me back. I could've called Rian or Zack but they would've got pissed at me too. The nights were the hardest; I just couldn't sleep without her pressed up against me. It felt like something was missing, my single bed felt huge.

On Monday morning I ended up sleeping in late so I barely got to school on time, I had to sprint the whole way. People stared at me as I walked down the corridor; they all knew about what happened. News travelled fast at our school. My clothes were crumpled and my hair was a mess, there were obvious bags under my eyes and I was out of breath from running. I knew everyone was judging me.

My morning lessons were boring, Addy wasn't in any of them and people kept talking about me loudly. I plugged in my earphones and ignored them all. At lunch time I walked into the cafeteria and bought a muffin and a soda. Luckily Rian and Jack let me sit with them, but there was no sign of Addy. I hadn't seen her all day.

'Alex you look terrible' Rian said

'Thanks Rian' I said sarcastically

'Wait until you see Addy' Jack mumbled

'I spoke to her you know' I looked at him

'Alex I told you not to' he sighed 'What happened?'

'I know I should've listened' I picked at the muffin 'We had a huge argument on her doorstep it was worse than ever and I'm scared I've lost her for good'

'As much as I want to hate you I just can't' Jack shook his head at me 'You two can't be without each other you'll work it out I know it seems bleak now but you'll make it'

'Jack's right and if you don't do it yourselves we'll get Zack involved' he tried to make a joke

'Shush Addy's coming' Jack shushed us

'Here's that essay Jack' she handed Jack a piece of paper but didn't sit down

'Aren't you staying?' Rian asked

'No' she said

I finally plucked up the courage to look at her. And when I did my breath caught in my throat.

She looked as bad like me but ten times worse. Her hair was piled messily into a ponytail, she had no makeup on and she was wearing sweatpants. There were huge dark circles under her eyes and I knew that she hadn't slept in a while, the nightmares must have resurfaced. Our eyes locked for a second and I thought I saw a flash of shock or hurt in her eyes.

'I'll see you later' she said and walked off

We all watched her leave and then I turned back to Jack and Rian.

'Told you she looked shit' Jack said

'She's worse than you' Rian pointed out

'I really fucked up' I put my head in my hands

'Yes' Jack said bluntly

'Just apologise' Rian suggested

'I tried that' I sighed 'I think she owes me an apology'

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