Chapter 3

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By lunchtime I was starving, which really didn't improve my mood. Before lunch I had Geography with Rian and Alex, as we were walking to the cafeteria Jade walked past with two of her friends.

'Hey Alex' Jade smiled at him. I looked up at him and he just nodded at her in acknowledgement. She shot me a death glare and I shrank into Alex's side. Honestly I was a bit scared of her after she punched me, before I just thought she was a bitch but after that I knew she was capable of real damage.

'Damn she really hates you' Rian chuckled at me

'Well I'm not too fond of her either' I shrugged

'Oh bitchy' Rian pretended to sound shocked.

When we entered the cafeteria Jack had already saved our usual table. Rian went over to start his  lunch, while Alex and I joined the queue to buy something.

'Hey let me buy your lunch you deserve it' I got my purse out as he grabbed us two salads, the only edible food available.

'No it's fine I wasn't just going to let her ruin your pretty face ' he winked

'Alex please let me make it up to you' I pleaded

'Well I can think of several other ways you could repay me' I shoved him 'I was joking let's just say you owe me'

I wasn't sure if I should agree to owe him but I let it slide as we payed for our lunches and walked over to where Rian and Jack where sitting.

'Managed to stay out of trouble then?' Jack grinned

'Yeah but I had to go and see the Principal' I replied

'What did he say?' he asked

'He gave me a warning because of my situation at home' I rolled my eyes

'I guess it's better than a detention' he shrugged

'I know' I sighed

Once we'd finished eating I leaned into Alex's side and he started playing with my hair making me smile. 

'You two are such a couple' Jack teased

'Her and Alex are secretly fucking Jack I told you' Rian whispered

'You've been discussing this?' I glared at them both

'Well Kara asked actually' Rian said 'She thought you two were dating'

'Apparently quite a few people do' Jack added

'I hate people' I sighed

'You don't hate Alex though' Rian winked

'Guys' Alex shook his head

'I'm not in the mood for this' I got up 'See you later'

I left the Cafeteria and went to the girls bathroom to check on the damage done to my nose. It hadn't started to bruise yet but it hurt like hell so I was dreading what it'd look like the next day. I went to my last lesson, English, but I was ten minutes early so I just sat in  my seat on my own. My thoughts turned to what Jack had said, people thought Alex and I were dating, and I frowned. I didn't really care if people thought that but I didn't understand why they did, sure we were close but to me it was obvious that we were just friends. 

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry for any spelling mistakes this was written on my phone. The plot is starting to take shape now but I'm worried I've brought it in too early

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