Chapter 29

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--- Alex's POV ---

When I woke up the next morning Addy was still sound asleep, usually I'd wake her up to piss her off but I knew she was tired. Instead I just watched her as her chest rose and fell slowly and her face was completely expressionless, she looked so peaceful. The night before I couldn't resist it and I kissed her lips, we hadn't been lip locked while sober for a very long time so it was really nice.

I'd been thinking of ways to tell her how I feel about her and I'd decided to wait until New Year's Eve, I wanted it to be romantic. I also figured that if neither of us had more than a couple of drinks then the nerves wouldn't be so prominent but she'd know I was being serious. 

I softly stroked her cheek with my hand, I couldn't stop touching her. After only a few days without even talking to her I'd felt deprived so I was making up for it by always being in contact with her. She didn't seem to mind though; she'd tell me if I was being too clingy.

I was forced out of my thoughts by my alarm clock ringing loudly from the bedside table. I quickly shut it off but Addy had already woken up and was rubbing her eyes sleepily. I smiled down at her as she woke herself up.

'What are you looking at?' she narrowed her eyes

'Just watching you' I said

'Creep' she laughed

'Yeah I watch you sleep every night' I played along

'Alex you weirdo' she shoved my shoulder playfully

'You love it really' I sighed and snuggled into her shoulder

'True true' she nodded

She started combing her fingers through my hair and I closed my eyes.

'I love your hair' she said

'You've said that before' I replied

'It's true though it's really soft' she continued running her fingers through it

'Right now it needs a wash' I groaned

'So does mine to be honest' she laughed

'We'll have to get up then' I said but didn't move

'Yeah there's no way I'm having another day at school looking like shit' she grimaced

'You didn't look that bad' I tried to reassure her

'Alex I saw the look on your face when you saw me' she rolled her eyes

'I was just shocked you looked' I trailed off trying to find a word to describe her appearance without offending her

'Terrible?' she suggested

'Yeah' I nodded 'But then again I looked just as bad'

'Let's just say we both looked awful and forget about it' she smiled

'Okay but we seriously have to get up now' I sat up

I looked at her and she still didn't move, she just lay there looking up at me.

'Addy you need to move so I can get out of bed' I said

'Make me' she challenged

'Don't say you didn't ask for it' I warned

I climbed on top of her so I was straddling her waist and pinned her arms above her head with one hand. With the other hand I attacked her sides tickling her and she was helpless. She squirmed beneath me laughing and trying to move away from me but I had her pinned down. After she let out a squeal I decided to let her go, I didn't want my parents to walk in.

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