Chapter 38

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--- Addy's POV ---

Alex didn't speak to Jack or me for three weeks; he'd ignore us in class and completely blank any of our attempts to explain what had happened. I could tell that Jack was really upset, Alex was his best friend and he couldn't cope without him. I knew exactly how he felt because I was feeling the same way in fact I felt even worse than when I'd argued with Alex at Christmas. Three weeks of sleeping alone had led to my nightmares returning and so my physical appearance had gone downhill rapidly, I very rarely wore anything but sweatpants with one of Jack's huge hoodies and my face hadn't been graced with make up for days.

People at school still though that Jack and I were dating and I had been cheating on Alex despite the fact that we frequently denied it all. Alex refused to even sit at the table with us in the cafeteria, instead choosing to sit in the library. Jack didn't get much abuse from anyone, boys never do in that kind of situation it's always the girl that suffers. And boy did I suffer. At least ninety nine percent of the females in the school had a crush on Alex, so me apparently cheating on Alex made me the biggest bitch in the world. Jade and her friends targeted me more often pushing me into lockers and catching up with me on the walk home from school, I had a few new bruises from when I'd tried to stick up for myself. If it hadn't been for Jack standing by me the whole time I wouldn't have been able to take it.

One day I walked into the cafeteria, keeping my head down so I wouldn't have to see the glares being sent my way, and sat down. Rian and Jack hadn't arrived yet but Kara was already sitting down, we very rarely spoke especially after New Year's Eve and I was sure that she thought I had cheated on Alex. When I sat down she acknowledged my presence but didn't say anything.

I felt a something hit the back of my head and turned around to see a group of girls laughing at me, they were throwing paper at my head like the mature 17 year olds that they were. I rolled my eyes and turned away but they didn't stop. After five more minutes I decided to say something.

'Would you quit it?' I sighed

'Why should I?' Tina Matthews smirked

'Because I asked you to' I said

'Well I'm not doing what you tell me' she laughed childishly

'Yeah her name isn't Jack Barakat' Hannah Simms chimed in beside her

'Oh grow up' I spat

'I don't think she likes us talking about her boyfriend' Tina giggled

'He's not my boyfriend' I argued

'So why did you cheat on Alex with him?' Hannah folded her arms

'I didn't cheat on Alex' I glared at them both

'We've all seen the video Adeline' Hannah stated as she examined her nails

'What happened has nothing to do with anyone but me Jack and Alex' I said

'I don't think you deserved Alex' Tina scoffed

'Yeah he totally didn't deserve to be treated in that way you must be completely heartless to do that to him when he's such a nice guy' Hannah sighed dreamily at the end of her sentence

'So you think Alex deserves someone like you?' I raised an eyebrow

'Yeah for sure' they both nodded

'A pathetic slut who doesn't give a shit about his personality and will only use him for his body?' I sneered 'At least I gave damn about him'

'Obviously you didn't if you cheated on him' Tina laughed

'Do you know what I'm so sick of all of you' I shouted and other people started to turn around to see what was happening 'I'm sick of you all saying I cheated on Alex when none of you have any fucking idea what happened I'm sick of you all saying that I didn't care about him when I did he was and still is the most important person in my life so I'd appreciate it if you'd all just leave me the fuck alone'

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