Chapter 62

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Kelby is chatting with Siobhan, Maggie, and Liam of the Irish coven inside. Jasper's friends, Peter and Charlotte are here. Amun, Kebi, Benjamin, and Tia of the Egyptian coven have come, too. Benjamin and Kelsea bonded over their gifts: Benjamin is an elemental and Eleazar called Kelsea a 'fire bender', meaning, she can play with fire. Amun and Kebi keep to themselves because of Amun's attitude.

Rosalie and Emmett sent nomads. Garrett was the first to come. Tall, tangy, eager crimson eyes, long Sandy brown hair. Garrett fell in quickly with the Denali sisters, especially Kate. Two other nomads came, Mary and Randall. Carlisle and Esme came back a week after they'd left, but Rosalie and Emmett stayed gone longer.

Kelby goes outside as Carlisle and Esme return. He's about to hug Carlisle but the air disappears around him when he feels that pull he's heard of and smells a very alluring scent as he locks eyes with a black-haired nomad. The nomad pauses just as Kelby does, staring right back at him, astounded. He'd been alone for a long time. He, like Kelby, had given up hope of finding a mate. His fear of being known he was here by the Volturi vanishes as he slowly walks by Kelby, their eyes not leaving each other.

The nomad, Alistair, smirks slightly before he leaps up to the attic. The air around Kelby is still tense.

"That's Alistair," Carlisle says. "He's English, and he's been around for a while. He's a Tracker."

Kelby clears his throat and he nods, going inside. He sits down quietly as he thinks about Alistair, his mate who just made an appearance when he'd probably rather be anywhere else. Esme watches him in slight concern. She knew he'd find his mate eventually because Alice told them. She just hopes that Alistair's timing for coming into Kelby's life is good because Kelby's been insecure about himself since that Lauren girl said those homophobic slurs to him at the graduation party.

Kelby suddenly sighs and he goes to his room. The door to the attic is right outside of it.


"I'm here," Alistair replies, his English accent strong.

Kelby exhales when he hears his voice. "I'm Kelby," he says to his mate.

"Carlisle might have mentioned you," Alistair replies.

Kelby listens to Alistair's footsteps nearing the attic's doorway.

"I believe he knew that we were mates," Alistair, his voice still as clear as ever, just so much closer. "It was as if he were bragging."

"Alice must have seen it," Kelby admits as he lays back. "I think I'd rather have my humanity gift than the one that sees the future."

Alistair hums but he doesn't speak. Kelby doesn't mind. That mate pull is so strong, he can feel it between the attic door and the wall and bedroom door. They listen as Emmett reaches Bella how to fight outside because Edward refuses to. He told his wife to find another teacher and Emmett was more than willing to help.

Alistair moves to the window upstairs and watches as Kate helps Bella with her shield. Kelby leaves his room and he looks at the door.

"Come up," Alistair murmurs.

Kelby bites his lip and pulls down the ladder. He goes up and pulls the door up. He walks over and he stands right beside Alistair, shoulder-to-shoulder. They watch as Garrett wanders over to Edward, Bella, Kate, and the other Denali. Benjamin and Tia go next. Then Siobhan and Maggie. Alistair glances over at Kelby momentarily and takes in his beauty before turning back.

"Kate..." Edward says in a warning tone as some new course of action occurred to her, but she's already in motion.

"Leo," Kate says and Leo glances at her, "would you like to come help your mother?" She wants to motivate Bella.

Alistair grabs Kelby's arm when he goes to protect Leo. "Let it play out, love," he says.

Kelby doesn't push off Alistair's hand when it lingers. His eyes remain on the scene as Bella half-snarls a 'no' when Kate tries to bring her son into this. Edward hugs Bella reassuringly but he's shrugged off and Leo flits across the yard to his mother. Kate, who'd went to fetch him, is behind him, as are Zafrina and Senna.

"Absolutely not, Kate," Bella hisses.

Leo reaches for his mom and Bella's arms open automatically. Leo curls into her, pressing his head against the hollow between Bella's shoulders.

"But Momma, I want to help," Leo says in a determined voice. He rests his hand against Bella's neck and shows her images of them together, a team.

"No," Bella says quickly, backing away, as Kate takes a deliberate step on her direction, her hand outreached.

Alistair's hand is still on Kelby's arm but his thumb now caresses Kelby's bar arm since Kelby's in a black short sleeve, skin-tight designer shirt.

"Stay away from us, Kate," Bella warns.

"No." Kate begins stalking forwards. She smiles like a hunter cornering her prey.

Bella shifts Leo so that he's clinging to her back, still backing away at a pace that matches Kate's.

"Be careful, Kate," Edward warns after a moment.

Kate takes another step, and then she makes a mistake. She stops and she looks at Edward and asks him if he hears anything from Leo, her voice calm and easy.

"No, nothing at all," Edward answers. "Now give Bella some space to calm down, Kate. You shouldn't goad her like that. I know she doesn't seem her age, but she's only a few months old." He glances up at Kelby and back. "And Kelby is watching you like a Hawk."

Kate turns and she looks at Kelby. She shivers at his glare and she backs off. Once Bella's calm, they start again. With Edward's gift, Zafrina's. The two mates in the attic continue watching. Kelby watches as Garrett approaches Kate, ignoring Edward's warning.

"They say you can put a vampire flat on his back," Garrett says to the blonde.

"Yes," Kate replies. With a sky smile, she wiggles her fingers playfully at him. "Curious?"

Garrett shrugs. "That's something I've never seen," he says. "Seems like it might be a bit of an exaggeration..."

"Maybe," Kate says, her face now serious. "Maybe it only works on the weak or the young. I'm not sure. You look strong, though. Perhaps you could withstand my gift."

Kate stretches her hand out to him, palm up - a clear invitation. Her lip twitches and Garrett grins at the challenge. Very confidently, he touches his index finger to her palm. With a loud gasp, Garrett's knees buckle and he kneels backwards and his head hits a piece of grabber with a sharp cracking noise.

"I told you so," Edward mutters toward Garrett.

"Her gift has always fascinated me," Kelby says to Alistair.

Alistair watches as barrettes eyelids tremble for a fee seconds before Jo's eyes widen. He stares up at a smirking Kate, a wondering and awed smile on his face.


"I hear your gift is extremely rare. Humanity," Alistair says to Kelby.

They hear a commotion out front. They move to the roof when Kelby shows him a way to get there and they watch as Carlisle talks to two Romanian vampires who appeared. Word gathered fast and these two came here.

"Stefan and Vladimir," Alistair says to Kelby. "I met them once as I was passing through Romania about a year or two after I turned."

Carlisle looks up at the roof and he sees Alistair and Kelby standing together. He exhales in relief that Kelby won't be alone after all of this is over. He'll have Alistair, his mate. He wraps a caring arm around Esme and she leans into his hold.

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