Chapter 6

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Kelby is sitting in his room with Rosalie and Alice, looking through an old photo album.

"These are really good pictures of you," Alice gushes.

"Leonard was a photographer," Kelby says. "He took them all. He always called me his muse."

"Oh, how sweet," Alice coos. She leans and pecks his cheek. "I am so, so, so sorry for your loss, Kelby."

"Thank you, Alice," Kelby replies. He turns to the next pages and its two pages of just Leonard. "I took these in 1957, we were twenty. I was a receptionist for the local lawyer in Seattle at that time." He smiles at the blurred images. "Leonard was the photographer."

"Did he move when you tried to capture these?" Rosalie asks.

"He didn't know how to stay still," Kelby admits. "I loved the man, but jeez. But he was a professional when he took the pictures. But he was a hyper man when I was the one with the camera." He turns the page. They're of the both of them. "We had one supportive friend. Her name was June. She died in a car wreck in 1966. She took these."

"You two were so cute together," Alice says. "He was handsome."

Kelby grins. "Very handsome," he says. "Seafoam green eyes, brown hair."

They look through more photos of Kelby and Leonard in the mid-to-late fifties.

By the time they leave the room, the sun's out and it's time for Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper to go to school. Kelby sticks around the house and he shows the photos to Esme. He tells her about Leonard and his life back then. Esme opens her ear and she listens to everything Kelby says about Leonard. Every, single, word.

"I've never met anyone like Leonard," Kelby says to Esme.

"And you won't," Esme coos. "Your first love is like no one else. It's never forgotten. Mine was different. He was abusive. But then I tried to kill myself after a miscarriage and it brought me Carlisle. All first loves are different, but you never forget them, even if you fall in love a second time."

Esme gushes over the photos of Kelby that Leonard had taken with his career camera.

"I want to test out my ability some more," Kelby says. "Want to go grab some lunch?"

"Oh, yes," Esme replies. "Let's go to Carver's Cafe?"


Kelby and Esme leave the house together and they go to Carver's cafe. Esme orders food for appearances. Kelby gets a simple order of chicken strips and sweet -n- sour sauce. He tries a weary bite and it actually tastes good. He eats all four chicken strips and Esme shares her onion rings with him because she won't eat them.

"This ability is so cool," Kelby murmurs excited.

Esme smiles. "It really is," she agrees.

"Mrs. Cullen."

Kelby tenses when a police officer walks over. He likes Charlie Swan, the chief of police, but cops still make him very nervous.

"Chief Swan!" Esme smiles at the man. "How did Bella like her room?"

"She likes it," Charlie replies. "Thank you for decorating it... Are you sure I can't pay you for it? I have the money."

"Chief, it's fine," Esme coos. "That's for your little girl. I don't mind doing it for free for you. You're a good man, Chief, and a good father."

Charlie blushes a little at the praises. "Thanks," he grunts and he goes to sit at his own table.

"He won't hurt you, Kelby," Esme coos. "He's not like those four from '58."

"I know he's not," Kelby replies. "But that doesn't make me less nervous."

"I know," Esme replies softly. She waves down Cora and she asks for the bill. "You're safe from police brutality and gay hate now. We'll protect you."

Cora brings the bill over. Esme pays before they all stand up and they leave the cafe. They head back home to talk some more about Kelby's past and Leonard.

"Kelby!" Alice chirps as the other vampires come home from school. "You're coming to Port Angeles with us! I need your perspective in dresses!"

Kelby smiles. "I'd like that," he replies. "Are you sure?" he asks and the clairvoyant nods. "Okay. When?"

"Tomorrow, when the sun starts going down," Alice replies. "We're hunting during school hours."

"I'll join the hunt," Kelby says.

Alice nods and Kelby heads upstairs to his bedroom.

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