Chapter 48

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When Jacob left Sam's pack, Samantha and Seth were quick to follow.

Kelsea is on the balcony when she sees a familiar black and brown wolf appear in the yard. She shrieks and leaps down to hug Samantha. Samantha lays her head over Kelsea's back. This is the reason why she left with Jacob. Her imprint is over here. She won't ever choose Sam over Kelsey. Never, ever, ever.

"Sammy!" Kelsea pets the fur on her snout. "You're here."

Sammy snorts and Kelsea grimaces and wipes the wolf slobber off her face.

"Do you want to see Bella?" Kelsea asks and Sammy nods. "Alice? Can you grab some of my clothes for Samantha?"

Alice soon appears. "You can phase beside the house," she says softly to Samantha. "Welcome."

Samantha trots off and soon returns. "Thanks for the welcome, Alice," she says. "I wish we were here on different and better circumstances."

"Me too," Alice says softly. "Come on in."

Samantha is lead inside and she sees Bella on the couch. "Hi, Bella!"

"Sammy." Bella smiles at her. "Hey. You're here?"

"Seth and I left Sam's pack when Jake did," Samantha admits. "I wasn't choosing Sam over you guys. Kelsea's here."

"Hey, Sammy," Kelby greets as he comes downstairs in a pair of loose-fitting grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

"Holy crap." Samantha gapes.

Kelsea giggles. "Yeah. He has his hot moments sometimes."

"Sometime?" Kelby rises his eyebrows. "Try all the time, Kels." He gives Samantha a quick hug. "Welcome to Forks, Sammy. I'm glad you're here."

"Thanks, Kelby," Samantha says with a light blush. "Go on to sleep, Bella."

"Thanks for coming, Sammy."

Bella closes her eyes. Sammy goes outside with Kelsea and she shifts once she has the nice clothes off. Kelby walks onto the balcony off the kitchen, unable to be too close to Bella. It breaks his heart to see her like this. He doesn't crave her blood, he's just worried about her. Jacob walks out and he joins him. Neither one of them say a word to each other.

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