Chapter 9

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"Oh, stuff," Emmett says as the family return from school, all but Edward.

"Leonard's stuff from storage," Kelby says.

Emmett opens a photo album and he slaps he closed. "This one's yours." He hands it over. "I saw a very naked Leonard." He winces as Kelby looks at him.

Kelby throws his head back and he laughs. "I thought I put that one up," he says. "Sorry." He puts it beside him.

Jasper is looking through the country records.

"You can keep those," Kelby says. "I'm keeping the rock and reggae, I'm giving Edward the classical."

"Thanks," Jasper says to Kelby.

Rosalie and Alice are looking through the clothes curiously. Alice finds a camera in the box of clothes.

"That's his career camera," Kelby says. "He was a photographer."

"This is a beautiful camera," Alice murmurs. "Can I have this?"

"Yeah," Kelby replies. "Leonard pointed out several times that I was a terrible photographer."

Rosalie chuckles at her words. He makes her feel better after the whole 'Bella knows about vampires' ordeal. Kelby and his Leonard stories.

"Leonard was very talented, though." Esme hands Alice the photos she found, the nature ones. "These were taken before Leonard met Kelby."

Alice and Rosalie look through them and whistle, impressed.

Edward comes home later and he sees the stuff that Kelby brought. Kelby jumps up and he thrusts records and clothes into his arms.

"Classical records and some clothes that Leonard actually liked," Kelby says. "You're welcome."

Edward snorts. "Thank you," he says in amusement. "It's good to see you, too, Kelby."

Kelby smiles. "Yeah. It's good to see you, even though I saw you this morning," he muses and he returns to the stuff. "Want to join us?"

Edward nods. He puts the stuff on the bench of the grand piano and he walks over to help look through Leonard's things he left behind for Kelby.

The Cullens spend that night going through the stuff. The others head off to school and Kelby goes and makes himself some chocolate chip pancakes while watching a YouTube tutorial about it. He's been learning how to cook on YouTube and tv channels. He gets recipes from the cookbooks Esme buys for him.

Kelby wants to go to Volterra to get answers about his ability. He's sure that the Volturi can give him more facts about the ability of humanity. He plans on talking to Carlisle tonight about going to Italy. He knows that Carlisle won't mind because he knows how much vampire information the Volturi have, he knows this because he spent two decades with them one hundred years after he turned.

Kelby spends the day listening to some of the rock records that Leonard had while he starts putting the things into the attic. 

Kelby looks out the attic window when the rain picks up. He thinks about the memories of him and Leonard. He sighs shakily before he goes downstairs and goes to his room to cry a little more.

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