Chapter 25

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"Do you ever visit Leonard's grave?" Jasper asks Kelby.

He technically graduated with Emmett and Rosalie in May 2005. He was a senior when Bella started Forks High School. Alice and Edward are in the same grade.

"Once a week since I went to Port angeles and Seattle," Kelby replies. "I bring dahlias to the grave. I had a vase built onto it when I had his date of death etched into it."

"I'm sorry about almost slipping last September," Jasper says.

"I almost did," Kelby admits. "I fled all the way to Volterra to keep myself from it. The important thing is that Bella doesn't blame you, that she isn't mad."

Jasper nods. "You're okay now, right?" He looks at Kelby. "Totally in control?"

"I am," Kelby replies. "I'm starving for human food." He nudges Jasper's shoulder before he goes downstairs to the kitchen. He makes himself a four-layer meaty and cheesy lasagna while he watches a movie in the portable DVD player.

Emmett walks in and he sits on the counter. "Can I ask you something?" he asks him.

Kelby glances at Emmett. "Yeah."

"Why have you never flirted with me?" Emmett asks.

"Because one, you're with Rosalie," Kelby says. "And two, I'm just not into you."

Emmett gapes at him and Rosalie laughs from somewhere in the house.

"Hey, Edward," Kelby greets. "You finally leave Bella's side to grace us with your presence?"

"Shut up," Edward scolds. He shoves him playfully. "I've missed you, Kel."

"You're the one who went off on your own, Eddie," Kelby replies.

"You did, too."

"I know," Kelby replies. "I spent most of my time in Seattle."

"So I heard," Edward replies. "You okay?" He wanted to check up on Kelby so he came by here. He'll go to Bella's soon, once she's ready to get some sleep.

"I was in this really great place with really great people in Seattle," Kelby replies. "I'm good, Eddie."

Edward nods, smiling a little. "That's good," he replies. He watches as Kelby makes himself a plate of the food he cooked and eats it. "Your gift is amazing. It's so... unique. I've never seen it before." He gives Kelby one more hug. "I'm gonna go now. I came by to check in on you."

"I appreciate it," Kelby replies.

Edward smiles at Kelby and Kelby finishes eating. He puts some leftovers up and he hands it to Edward.

"For Bella and Charlie," Kelby says.
~~~ ~ 

Charlie opens the door and he grunts in disapproval when he sees Edward. He's very angry at him for hurting Bella in the way she did.

"Kelby cooked four layer lasagna and sent some for you and Bella," Edward says and he shows the Tupperware. "He loves to cook."

Charlie sighs and he lets Edward in. He takes the food because he might as well because his attempt at dinner failed. Bella hurries over to Edward and she hugs him. Charlie makes a face and he goes to the kitchen with the food. He gets a serving and the smell lures Bella into the room.

"Kelby sent food," Charlie says. "Might be better than what I tried to do."

Bella gets her a helping and she returns to Edward. He's only here until nine with Charlie's okay and then he'll be in her bedroom when Charlie's in bed. Charlie eats his food and he goes to the living room.

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