Chapter 5

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Kelby looks around the flower shop. They're not due another delivery of dahlias until Monday so Kelby decides on some red roses.

"I'm sorry about being out of dahlias," Ellen, the owner of the flower shop, says genuinely.

"It's okay," Kelby says. "I'm sure he'll appreciate roses just as much as dahlias."

"He's a very lucky guy," Ellen says but Kelby sees the judgement in her eyes, so he keeps his guard up high and sturdy.

"Thanks." Kelby pats for the roses. "Keep the change."

Kelby takes the roses and he leave the shop. He gets into his 1996 Mustang and drives to the nursing home. He walks in and he goes to see Leonard but Annie stops him.

"Kelby... he's lucid," Annie says.

Kelby tenses up. "Can I go in alone?"

Annie nods softly. "Yes."

Kelby walks into Leonard's room. "Hey, Leonard."

Leonard exhales heavily at the sound of Kelby's voice, his milky eyes filling with tears. It's like he hadn't heard his voice in forty-seven years. "Kelby," he rasps emotionally. "Oh, my Kelby."

"The florist ran out of dahlias," Kelby rasps as he walks over and puts them in the vase and goes straight to the chair in front of Leonard. "I got roses instead. Red."

"Roses are lovely," Leonard replies. "How often do you come?"

"Every day," Kelby says. "That vampire did save me in 1958, my love."

Leonard reaches up shakily and he tears his hand on Kelby's face. "I'm so glad that she did," he replies. "Annie told me what was wrong with me. I want you to make me a promise."

"Of course," Kelby replies as he grabs Leonard's hand. "What is it?"

"When I die, please don't let me keep you from falling in love with another, and don't let the past make you fear being with a man," Leonard says. "The times are different now. Homophobia is still a thing..."

"It's not as bad," Kelby says. "It gets better each year."

"What year is it now, Kelby?"

"It's 2005," Kelby replies. "It's 2005 Joe, my love."

Leonardo sniffles. "I'm so glad to hear your voice, Kelby," he says raspily. "Will you stay with me?"

"I'm not leaving you," Kelby says. "Want to lay down?"

"Not yet," Leonardo replies. "I want to sit here with you for a little bit longer."

"Of course," Kelby replies.  "Okay. Let's sit here for a bit longer."

Leonard nods and he strokes his thumb over Kelby's face.

Leonard Sheffield dies the next day at about six A.M., his hand holding Kelby's, lying in the bed beside him. Kelby sits up and he brushes the thin hair of Leonard back, the venom in his eyes making his vision blurred.

"When did he pass?" Annie asks. She does know vampires are real. She wants to turn. She actually plans on going to Volterra soon to see if there are vampires in Italy. She knows what Kelby is. She knows why Kelby played along with Leonard, why he comes here every day. It's just none of her business. 

Kelby looks at the clock. It reads 7:00. "An hour ago," he replies. "I didn't want to tell anyone yet." He looks at her. "The Nightingale Funeral Home is the one I planned for. His coffin's there."

"I'll make the call," Annie says softly. "Take your time."

Kelby leans his forehead against Leonard's and he releases a shaky breath. He sobs dryly as he grips onto the man's shirt. He pulls back and he stares at the ceiling and an actual tear falls down his face. He stands up and he suddenly leaves. He goes home and he makes it into the den before he drops to his knees.

Esme gasps as she rushes forward. "Kelby?"

"He's dead," Kelby whispers. "He was lucid. He- he died one hour ago."

Esme wraps her arms around Kelby and he cries. She feels tears in her shirt. Eleazar told Carlisle that Kelby is gifted, he just didn't want to spoil the gift he has.

"Kelby!?" Rosalie hurries over when she gets home.

"Leonard passed away," Esme tells Rosalie. "And his gift... it's humanity. He's crying with tears."

Rosalie covers her mouth as she kneels down.

"He's gone," Kelby says weakly, his voice is heavy and raspy with emotion. "He died in my arms... just the two of us."

"We've got you, Kelb," Rosalie says softly. "I'm staying home today. Screw school. You need me more."

Kelby lets both Esme and Rosalie hold him while he cries when Carlisle comes downstairs. His expression softens when he sees the tear-stained Kelby.

"Want me to call in today, Kelby?" Carlisle asks.

"No... you don't have to do that," Kelby replies. "I, uh, I got to say goodbye. He... he died lucid."

"His funeral will be on Sunday afternoon in Port Angeles," Kelby says. "He said he didn't want to be buried in Seattle. He's pissed at the city because of the brutality that killed me."

"I understand that," Rosalie says when Carlisle reluctantly leaves. "Edward said he met him, he saw his love for you through Leonard's eyes."

By the time the others get back, Kelby has stopped crying, but he's still sad. Edward goes straight to Kelby to comfort him when he reads the loss on his mind.

"Let's go hunt," Edward says. "Take your mind off it."

"Leonard's funeral is on Sunday, I can't," Kelby says. "Rain check. Sorry."

"Yeah, of course," Edward says.

At the funeral, Kelby does okay until the casket is being lowered. A tear glides down Kelby's face. His bottom lip trembles. He flinches when someone grabs his hand. He turns his head and he sees Edward.

"I wasn't going to leave you to do this alone," Edward says. "Emmett and I hundred yesterday."

Kelby looks back at the coffin. He winches when the dirt starts being thrown into the six-foot deep hole. Edward places hand on his shoulder as the other Cullens arrive around Kelby. Kelby tears up all over again and he leans into Edward. They watch as Leonard Sheffield is buried in his final resting place.

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