Chapter 38

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With permission once again, Kelsea crosses the border with Bella but she goes to the Clearwater house instead of hanging with Bella and Jacob; she wants to see Samantha.

Kelsea goes to the address that Samantha gave her and she knocks on the door. Leah is the one who opens the door. From what she was told about Leah's past with Sam, she isn't surprised Leah's here instead of there.

"Sammy's in her room," Leah says. "Last door on your left upstairs."

"Thanks," Kelsea replies bashfully and she goes upstairs. She goes to the room Leah directed her to and she knocks.

Samantha beams as soon as she opens her door and finds her imprint. "Hey, cutie!" she cheers and she pulls hers inside her room.

"Was that Billy Black I saw briefly downstairs?" Kelsea asks as the pair sit on Sammy's bed.

"Yeah," Samantha replies. "He's been over a lot since my dad died. Mom gets lonely."

"Kelly's been feeling lonely lately," Kelsea says softly. "Everyone in our house has someone, or has a mate. You're my mate. Bella's with Edward, Carlisle and Esme, Jasper and Alice, Rosalie and Emmett. But then there's just Kelby."

"I hate that for him," Samantha coos. "Want to watch a movie? I was gonna watch one with Mom, Billy, Leah, and Seth, wanna join?"

"I'd like that," Kelsea replies and she follows Sammy downstairs. "Hello, Mr. Black."

"Oh, God." Billy winces. "Sweetheart, call me Billy... please. Mr. Black makes me sound so old."

"And you're far from it," Kelsea says as she sits beside Sammy on the couch. "Hello, M..."

"Sue," Sue corrects before Kelsea can get the 'Mrs' out from Mrs. Clearwater.

"Hello, Sue," Kelsea greets.

"Hello, Kelsea," Sue greets softly. "How's your family?"

"They're good... I'm just worried about Kelby," Kelsea says. "He's the only one in the house without a mate. Sammy's my mate, Bella's with Edward, Carlisle and Esme, Jasper and Alice, Rosalie and Emmett. But then there's just Kelby."

"Perhaps he'll find his mate one day," Billy says.

"Speaking of mates..." Sue glances at her youngest daughter and the vampire. "What are you two doing about your bond?"

"We're starting off as just friends," Sammy admits. "We're getting to know each other before we jump into a relationship. Sam told me that imprinting doesn't necessarily mean romance."

"That's good," Sue replies softly. "Take your time, you sweet peas."

Kelsea and Sammy smile and the movie begins. It's Shrek.

"Ooh, I saw this movie with Emmett the other week," Kelsea says, "in Tacoma. He wouldn't shut up."

"That sounds like Seth in the movie theaters," Sue jokes lightly and Seth gasps.

"I am not that bad," Seth complains.

"Yes, you are," Leah and Sammy say at the same time.

"Shhh," Sue scolds, "the movie's starting."

Billy smiles at the Clearwater's, and so does Kelsea.

"Where's Kelsea?" Rosalie asks Kelby while they hunt.

"She's with her mate in La Push while Bella's with Jacob," Kelby replies dully and he runs toward a bear. He's still losing hope of ever finding his mate.

Rosalie smiles sadly and she quickly follows. The party is coming up and they're all hunting to be in perfect control. Kelsea hunted yesterday and now she's spending the day with Samantha Clearwater and her family on the reservation while Bella spends time with Jacob. Jacob will bring both Bella and Kelsea to the border later.  

"You'll find your mate," Rosalie says once they go to find something else to drink. "I see how you isolate yourself when all of us are together and Kelsea's with Samantha." She doesn't like the wolves, but she's accepting of Samantha because she is Kelsea's mate.

"I'm losing hope that I will, Rose," Kelby admits.

"Are you going to still be at Alice's party she's throwing for graduation?" Rosalie asks.

"Maybe," Kelby replies. "I could use a good dance. The Elders have given Samantha permission to come once she was sent the invitation by Alice. Kelsea isn't graduating, but she wants Samantha to come to our side and visit Kelsea some, and if not just Kelsea going to the reservation."

"Oh, and Kel?" Rosalie grabs his face gently in her hands. "Don't lose hope, okay? Don't tell anyone I squealed, but Alice did see your mate."

Kelby looks at Rosalie with wide eyes. "What?"

"She saw him," Rosalie says. "She doesn't know who it is or when he comes to Forks, but he does. You do have a mate out there, Kelby Hale."

"Why didn't Alice tell me herself?" Kelby asks. "Why did she let me continue to lose hope?"

"She wanted it to be a surprise," Rosalie says. "But I can't stand seeing how isolated you become around us mated ones. I had to tell you."

"It will still be a surprise since no one knows who he is or when he'll come," Kelby says. "Let's go finish this hunt, yeah?"

Rosalie nods. "Yeah, of course," she replies and they run off.

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