Chapter 30

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Kelsea is with Carlisle at the treaty line in the woods where she is signing the treaty.

"The Cullens didn't turn me," Kelsea says to the wolves. "They say her name is  Victoria."

"I believe you," Sam says. "Carlisle, I met Kelby in Port Angeles while your family was gone. He was visiting a grave."

"His first love, Leonard Sheffield," Carlisle says. "They were together from 1955 until Kelby was turned in 1958. He died earlier in the year to AIDS and Dementia."

"Damn... I can't even imagine how he feels," Sam says. "I like him pretty good. He was so... calm around my fiancée. My fiancée is human."

"He went to Italy for a while to work on his control," Carlisle says. "That trip seemed to help him tremendously."

Kelsea Hale, that's the name that Kelsea signs on the scroll as Kelby comes onto the scene. Sam offers the vampire a smile and Kelby smiles back.

"How's Emily's flowers?" Kelby asks.

"They're lovely," Sam replies.

Kelby watches Kelsea and when she's done, she skips over to him and hugs his arm. Sam can see that Kelby would protect this girl with his life and that somehow pleases him.

"Remember the rules of the testy, Kelsea Hale, and there won't be any issues," Sam says to the teenager.

"I won't forget the rules," Kelsea reassures. "I promise."

"Come on, Kelsea, let's go hunt before Bella comes back over," Kelby says. "It's time to work on your control."

Kelsea smiles shyly at Sam before running off with Kelby.

"You good after your tussle with the wolf Paul during the chase?" Kelby asks Emmett later once he and Kelsea return from their hunt.

"Oh, I'm perfect," Emmett mewls with a smirk. "It was no man's land, but the wolves are still all butt hurt."

"You fought one of their own, Em," Kelby says. "Of course they're not happy. I'm not happy because you didn't have to jump that ravine. Paul didn't have to start that fight, but the wolves are not my business. This coven is."

"You'd make a good coven leader one day," Emmett says.

"I know, but I'm fine with Carlisle having that title," Kelby replies. "Wanna play Red Dead Redemption?"

"Ooh, hell yea," Emmett replies. He jumps up and he goes to hook the game up on the den.

Kelby talks to a few of the family members when they return from school and Kelby goes to play video games with Emmett.

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