Chapter 32

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Bella finally gets Jacob Black to let her leave and she goes to the Cullen house where Kelby and Kelsea are since they didn't join the others on this hunt.

"Hey, Bella!" Kelsea greets cheerfully.

"Hey, Kelsea," Bella greets. She's no longer jealous of Kelsea. She feels bad for her because she's only fifteen, and Victoria didn't give her a choice in the matter of immortality. "Kelby..." She hands him some candy. "I bought you some candy on the reservation."

"Ooh!" Kelby grabs the candy. "You're my favorite human."

Bella snickers. "Good," she replies. "The others still gone?"

"Yep." Kelby opens the chocolate bar and he takes a bite. His eyes flutter closed as he chews and swallows it, savoring the divine taste. "It's just me and Kelsea here right now." He opens his bright golden eyes and looks at Bella. "Did Jacob finally let you leave?"

"He said that I wouldn't be his friend, I wouldn't be Bella, anymore when I turn," Bella says. "He says we won't be friends when I turn."

"I honestly don't get why you want to die and become one of us," Kelby says. "When I think back, I wish Rosalie hadn't listened to Leonard and had let me die instead of turning me. I wanted to live and grow old with Leonard. But those homophobic police officers and Leonard had other plans."

"It's just... everyone around me isn't aging," Bella says. "You guys, the wolves..."

"This is about age?" Kelby laughs out. "Oh, Bella, you're eighteen! You're not even remotely close to old! You've barely had time to live. When I was eighteen, I was meeting Leonard." He smiles. "Enjoy your life, Bella, and live it to the fullest. Don't worry about immortality, don't worry about your ability to age because us vampires wish we still did." He sees her eyes grow sad. "What's wrong?"

"It's something else Jacob said when we were talking about my being turned," Bella whispers.

"What did he say?" Kelby growls. He has respect for the wolves but not Jacob because he doesn't want to respect Bella and Edward's relationship.

"He said that I'd be better off dead," Bella says. "He said he'd prefer it."

Kelby grabs his phone and he dials a number. "Sam. I need to meet you and Jacob at no man's land," he demands. "Because I want to punch him." He smirks. "Thanks." He looks at Bella. "Don't get too close to Kelsea. Her control's good, but it's not the best yet,"

Kelby leaves the house and he goes to no man's land. Jacob tenses when he shows up.

"Bella told me what you said to her," Kelby says. "How you said she'd be better off dead, how you'd prefer it if she was. What kind of friend are you?"

"She'll be one of you blood suckers," Jacob says with a snarl. "Disgusting."

Kelby looks at Sam. "Can I punch him without breaking the treaty?"

Sam smirks. "Just don't kill him and we're good," he says.

Kelby draws a hand back and he slams it against Jacob's face, effortlessly breaking his nose with a satisfying snap. Kelby winces at the smell of his blood.

"God, your blood smells worse than you do," Kelby comments. He glances at Sam. "Thank you for that."

"No... thank you," Sam says. Jacob's been nothing but a hassle since he shifted. "I'll see you around, Kelby."

"Send Emily my greetings," Kelby responds and he rushes away.

"He broke my nose!" Jacob spits out blood. "Ugh..."

"Did you really say that to Bella?" Sam looks at him. "You were the one who put her back together when the Cullens left, and then you hurt her yourself?" He shakes his head. "You deserved that punch, that's why I allowed it."

"I did," Jacob admits with a sigh.

Kelby goes out to the mall in Olympia while Alice keeps Bella hostage as per Edward's request. Alice will keep Kelsea in control and Kelsea is so grateful for this coven. They saved her life. She would have accidentally gotten herself killed.

Kelby goes back to the Cullen mansion with gifts. A pretty pink dress for Alice, a lace long sleeve brown shirt for Bella, a black dress for Kelsea, and a few things for Esme and the guys. He got himself some more books and stopped by the grocery store on the way back.

Kelby puts the food away after handing out the gifts to Bella, Alice, and Kelsea, and then he goes to his room to read.

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