Chapter 20

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Kelby walks to Kelsea's room and he hands her a box of chocolates and a yellow rose on February 14th, 2006. He's been in Seattle for two weeks and staying at this LGBTQ+ Center that Kareem and Kylan own and run.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Kelby says.

Kelsea giggles happily. "Thanks!"

"I got you and the others some things to save Kareem and Kylan the money, but you're the only one with a rose," Kelby says with a smile. "The yellow rose symbolizes friendship and family."

"Did you know that in Mexico, the yellow rose is carried on the Day of the Dead to remember the deceased loved ones?" Kelzea asks.

"Really?" Kelby smiles. "You just schooled me, Kelsea."

Kelsea beams. "You're welcome," she chirps. "I'm glad you came here. I haven't cut since you helped me two weeks ago."

"I've got your back while I'm here, kiddo," Kelby says. "Kylan made breakfast. Let's go grab a bite."

Kelsea nods. Kelby steps out and Kelsea gets dressed before she goes with him to the cafeteria. Kareem and Kylan go over and they greet Kelby while Kelsea goes to talk to some friends. Kelby sits with the couple and they talk while eating some Valentine's Day breakfast together as a large group.

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