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(( I'm alive once again, also I somehow am motivated to write another story even tho I am too lazy to continue writing the other ones.. 🤡 Demons and humans? Something in that direction I guess, idfk))


It was surprisingly quiet when Yoongi woke up.

No screaming, no yelling, no one bursting in his room, no one smashing close the doors.

It was odd, yet peaceful.

A look at the clock however and Yoongi could only stare a bit irritated.

It was bright outside. 4pm.

Peeking outside of his room only to look even more irritated since he still couldn't hear any of the others.

He simply silently made his way inside the kitchen, grabbing something to eat before he finally heard some noise, looking a bit lost around before he looked out of the window, seeing none other than Jin and Jungkook outside in the backyard, Jungkook trying to plant some flowers while Jin kept helping him.

Even if those two sometimes had their troubles they still acted like brothers after all.

Yoongi couldn't deny, it was definitely cute watching those two interact.
Jungkook sometimes a bit helpless but playfull, and Jin truly like an older brother, sometimes a bit annoyed but still playing along to Jungkooks small teases and still helping him out.

"Now just give them some water and-Ay! I mean the flowers you brat!" Jin said a bit louder as the younger splashed some water on him.

A small smile on Yoongis lips who kept watching from the window until he got startled by a hand on his waist.

"Sorry sorry.. Did I startle you? I didn't mean to. Are you watching those two?" Jimin asked with a small smile on his lips, leaning over to hug the other from behind to also stare out of the window.

"Mhm.. Seems like they're having fun."

"Well.. Jin was a bit grumpy when he returned and you seemed upset.. So it's kinda nice to see him a bit relaxed again." Jimin spoke as he kept watching the two, his hands moving from Yoongis waist onto his stomach to rub it softly.

"Did you sleep well by the way? Since you seemed so upset we all decided to stay quiet today to make sure you slept well.. Jungkook and Taehyung got a small scolding from Jin because of what happened as well but now it's like it never happened.. Guess they're kinda used to it by now."

A small head nod, Yoongi just continuing to stare outside of the window for a few more seconds, not minding jimin who was clinging onto him.

It simply felt peaceful in that split second.

Like such an peaceful day, finally without any trouble, any screaming or a huge mess.

That was until the smaller realized something.

".. I didn't go to work again..

"huh? Oh don't worry about it so much, Namjoon-"

"No no.. If I keep getting that special treatment I'll get used to this. I can't always search excuses to not go to work." The omega explained only for Jimin to give him a reassuring shoulder rub.

"It's alright. Those are just exceptions.. Like when you're in heat. It's not your fault that you got locked up and stuff."

"It's not, but this household is a mess. Jimin, we're 7 people, of course there's gonna happen endless of shit.. If I would-"

"shhh shh shhhhhhhh~" Before Yoongi could even finish his sentence Jimin was already putting a finger over his mouth to quiet him down.

"No overthinking now. Just relax today. You're very self aware love, I'm sure you won't start getting used to it with your mindset anyways."

Yoongi now being silent and only giving a small nod for Jimin to finally take his fingers off his lips again.

About to stare back outside of the window only for the omega to let out a startled small scream as he now stared at Hoseoks face who stood right in front of the window and stared at them like some kind of stalker.

"what the fuck.."

"Ohhh! Hobi! I told you not to do that you startled our omega!" Jimin now complained though had to hold back a small grin since he did find this a bit funny.

Hoseok only chuckling as he looked at Yoongis expression only to instantly regret his small prank when Jin suddenly stood behind him.

"Hoseok.. Don't bother Yoongi today." speaking with an rather warning undertone, Hoseok letting out a small sigh before nodding his head a tiny bit and mumbling a small sorry as he walked off again.

Jin now also staring at Yoongi for an split second before quickly making his way back to Jungkook.

That day really was peaceful.

Every now and then he saw Jimin walking around, the male pushing a kiss on his cheek whenever he had the chance to, but honestly he didn't mind the beta too much.

Just a tiny bit of affection that day was a nice change for once.

Just a day.

A single day to calm down, relax and collect his own thoughts.

Yoongi just laid in bed at the end, staring at the ceiling for hours as he had to rethink everything that happened so far.

He didn't regret how he ended up like this.

He honestly enjoyed this life, more than he imagined.

Yet there still were dozens of questions inside of him, that only could be kept unanswered.

A so called 'god' who send him there.

Jungkook and the fact that he was from the same world.

Yoongis whole existence in this world, was like a paradox since he already existed.

Would he stay in this world now forever?

Was he and Jungkook the only ones from another world?

Why even Was all of this happening in the first place?

Why specifically them?

Why exactly in this reality?

"why.. This one..?"

"This one?" A voice that made the omega look up a bit caught off guard only to look at Taehyung who seemed just as irritated.


".. Anyways.. Your dinner is ready."

".. My dinner?"

"Yeah Jin decided to cook something extra for you today."

Both of them staring at each other before Taehyung just walked out of his room.

That was a bit unusual.

But honestly all Yoongi could do was stand up and make his way downstairs only to stare at an plate on the table and an empty kitchen.

Did they now just avoid him intentionally to give him space?

He wasn't too sure if he was enjoying this or found this a bit strange.

The day after seemed luckily pretty normal again.

Being woken up by a knock on the door, Namjoon peeking inside before walking up towards the cuddled up omega on the huge bed.

"Yoongi baby.. Time to wake up. You gotta get ready for work."

".. Mhm.. Five more minutes.."

A small smile on Namjoons lips, without a further thought picking the sleepy omega up to carry him to the bathroom.

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