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"So you've been avoiding me because you thought I was scared of you?"

Another nod and Yoongi had to smile a bit putting a hand on the males arm.

"It's okay, it's not your fault Kook."

"but it is my fault! I shouldn't have been with you in that time but I decided to join you anyways and then I couldn't even hold myself back and nearly did something horrible to you and I-"

"Woah woah relax. Jungkook I'm fine.. I'm alright. I'm alive, not upset at all and- No! Don't cry now! Jungkook I'm okay!" the omega said a bit louder, putting his hands on Jungkooks cheeks to make the alpha finally look at him.

"I'm fine.. See? All good."

The young alpha however only could shake his head, trying to wipe the tears away which seemed so pathetic in his own eyes and carefully taking Yoongis hands off his face.

"No, I-Hyung I nearly did something really bad against your will! Nothing is good! You shouldn't just say it's fine.. I was so upset at myself the last few days because I kept thinking I scared you away and that you wouldn't want me anymore and that scared me because I love you and I don't want you to hate me because of something like that! And then I just avoided you to not make you feel more scared and give you time to perhaps rethink or stuff but.. Now we're here.. "The alpha sobbed, looking absolutely devestated at Yoongi who only stared at him.

Yoongi had listened damn well, even if he in that second looked like he was frozen.

The simple ramble of Jungkooks feelings was just getting to him a tiny bit too much.

None of them yet had actually brought up the word 'love'. So Jungkook straight up telling him he was in love with him totally threw Yoongi off what actually was happening in that moment.

He really could only stare at Jungkook who was crying his eyes out in front of him.

He knew Jungkook was young, yet he was so honest, so sweet and absolutely didn't hold back to admit to his feelings or show them.

'love' seemed like a very strong word in his eyes. Never had someone actually confessed his love to him like that, never had he even imagined someone to do it.

His next move, perhaps was a bit odd, perhaps a bit out of the ordinary for himself and a bit questionable, but he simply spoke out his thoughts without really thinking about it too much.

He really liked the alpha after all, he knew damn well how Jungkook was careful to not hurt him in any way and he really just could only smile softly whenever Jungkook was acting like a shy mess, or tried to play cool in front of him.

It was cute in his eyes, how much Jungkook tried for him.

".. I wanna mate with you."

Wide eyes. That was what he now stared at.

Jungkook had stopped crying in an instant as he heard those words, only staring at Yoongi and not saying a single word, probably unsure if what he just heard was real.

".. Jungkook?.. Kook?" Yoongi asked, the younger slowly blinking and then looking around his room.

".. Now?"

"What?" Yoongi asked, Jungkook looking back at him, gripping the fabric of his own sweatpants as he saw Jungkooks stare.

"Do you wanna mate right now?"

Yoongi blinked a few times, not saying anything while Jungkook kept staring at him and leant a bit closer towards the omega.

"I-Kook not now just.. I mean, I meant it like.. I want but not now." Yoongi tried to explain, taking one of the males hands to hold it and then smile a bit more once Jungkook nodded his head and gave his hand a small squeeze.

"Whenever you want to you can tell me hyung." the younger said, still staring at Yoongi and leaning a bit closer as if waiting for something.

"Okay kook.. Now let us just relax some more."

The two laid down, Yoongi feeling a bit relieved that Jungkook actually distracted by his comment and didn't continue to talk himself down and what happened.

Jungkook now stared up at Taehyung who had his eyes fixated on him, both not saying a word and just staring.

".. Did he really say that?" Jin now asked, sounding a bit unsure while Jungkook only nodded his head.

"He said he wanted to!"

"But that doesn't sound like him.. " Taehyung said crossing his arms and eyeing Jungkook up and down.

"I'm just telling you the truth.. But that isn't the point I want my answer now!" Jungkook said crossing his arms and looking at the two.

"Jungkook we can't help you with that.. That's something you learn from experience." Jin sighted and shook his head, the younger leaning back and letting out a big sight.

Jin walked off, Taehyung staring at him before starting to grin a bit and sitting down besides the male, quickly taking his phone out to text someone.

"so.. Your question was, how you can tell if Yoongi was comfortable enough while-"

"Yes yes! So can you tell me?"

"hm..yeah I think I can" Taehyung said and then gave the youngers shoulder a pat.

"First of all.. Body language. Leaning towards you is a good to go, leaning away a no go. If he looks away he's just flustered, therefore no need to stop.."

"Make sure to loosen your grip sometimes." Hoseok said as he walked in, taking a bite of the cereal he ate and also sitting down to join their conversation.

"Why do I have to do that?" Jungkook asked a bit confused.

"Do you wanna squeeze him to death? You've got a lot of strenght and while thrusting you'd totally tighten your grip, therefore you have to kinda loosen it sometimes to not accidentally hurt him."

"Exactly.. Totally made that mistake on my first time. That omegas waist looked like he got into an car crash afterwards because of all of those bruises.. Oh And when he looks nervous just kiss some more and don't forget complimenting.. That's important and makes it less awkward."Taehyung added and looked at Hoseok, the two pretty much agreeing to what they were saying.

"You should be really careful since it's your first time."

"And don't forget the aftercare! And make sure to clean him properly, and afterwards don't forget the pills he has to take"

The list went on and on, Jungkook just listening and trying to remember everything even if it was a bit much and he couldn't really follow sometimes. It really was a bit more difficult than he had imagined this to be.

He really wanted to be prepared well though, in case Yoongi one day decided that he wanted to mate.

((istg their first time is gonna be wild af
Especially because of Jungkooks random ass bullshit

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