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".. This one or this?" Yoongi mumbled as he started at the different options of drinks.

Jungkook was meanwhile already holding a small bottle in his hand, just waiting for Yoongi to decide on something.

An second after and Yoongi grabbed a random drink, following Jungkook to pay for the drinks.

"No wait let me pay. I've come up with the idea after all." Jungkook insisted, Yoongi shaking his head a bit.

"No its okay, I can pay for myself. This is like an dollar."

"Then it shouldn't be a problem if I pay for you." Jungkook argued, taking Yoongis drink who couldn't really say anything against that.

Now they sat outside of the small store, looking around the place in silence.

Yoongi wasn't sure what to talk about, neither did Jungkook know what to say.

".. You like banana milk?" Yoongi asked, looking a second at Jungkooks drink, the taller nodding his head with a small smile.

"Yeah.. It's really good. My favorite drink actually. Do you like your drink as well?" Kook asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"It's pretty okay.. So.. Jungkook.. How old are you exactly? You're the youngest in the friend group aren't you?"

"yes. I'm 21.. You're older than me aren't you? Do you want me to call you hyung?"

"I am older yes. I'm 24. You don't have to call me hyung, if you want to I don't mind it though."

"Yoongi Hyung.. Yes sounds about right." Jungkook smiled a bit as he spoke out the words, taking a sip of his banana milk.

After that it was silent again. It was somehow a mixture between a awkward and an comfortable silence. It felt weird yet somehow not in and bad way.

That went on for like 5 minutes before Yoongi looked up and the sky leaning his Body back on the ground and staring at the clouds.

"It's a shame that it's cloudy today.."

Jungkook now looked up as well, staring at the plain looking sky. It was dark, no lights and it reminded him of an endless void.

"It's not raining at least.. I think it's pretty to look at nevertheless. If it wouldn't be dark I'm sure the sky would look really awesome with all those big clouds towering above each other." Jungkook now said, still staring up at the sky, Yoongi meanwhile looking at the young alpha.

"You're really an good kid Jungkook."

Jungkook looked back at Yoongi, the smile off his lips.
Was Yoongi just seeing him as some kind of kid? He wasn't that young, maybe a few years younger but he was officially an adult and even considered ready to mate for his age.

"I'm no kid." that was all Jungkook said, looking back at the sky with an small frown.

".. Did that really offend you that much?" Yoongi asked with an small smile, quickly rubbing through the youngers hair and chuckling as he received an odd look which only was looking funnier with his now messy hair.

"Come on. Bring this away and get us something to eat instead of throwing a tantrum now." Yoongi said pushing the empty bottle in Jungkooks hands.

"I'm not throwing a tantrum! Also you shouldn't order me around like that I'm an adult." Jungkook said, Yoongi nodding his head and humming.

"Of course you are.. Mature enough to buy us some food right?" Yoongi asked, having to grin a bit as Jungkook jumped up and quickly nodded his head.

"I'll buy us something good!"

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