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((so idk if anyone is interested but my Ig is catboistan. Decided to open a new account to try and focus on my pc collection and toplaoder stuff, also selling some stuff))

"How long has it been..? Feels like weeks." Jungkook mumbled and dramatically let himself fall down on the couch.

"It's only been like one day. Are they even still alive? I haven't heard anything of them since yesterday evening." Jimin pointed out, Jin looking at the beta for a second as if unsure what to think of this.

"I'm sure they're fine.. At least I hope so for Hoseok.."

Hoseok and Yoongi really haven't been showing up since the last evening.
Not one single sign that they were alive or even existed.

Another day and finally the doors opened, Hoseok trudging outside, looking half asleep and mindlessly pouring some coffee in two mugs when he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking back to then stare at Namjoon.

".. Can I help you?"

"For your own safety, get back inside the room. Jin is still pissed at you that you screamed at Yoongi."

Hoseok blinked a few times, shaking his head eventually and sighing out.

"Let him stay mad, Yoongi accepted my apology so I don't see any problem with it anymore."

Grabbing some snacks as well and about to go back to his room when the said male moved in front of him.

"There is a big problem. Hoseok I swear to god if you pull something like that again I won't hesitate to throw you out of this household! Yoongi is a tough guy and he's very fond of himself but he's still an omega so get your shit together and behave like you're actually his alpha and not just a threat"

Hoseok had expected something like this.
Arguing with jin would get him nowhere, the two seemed to have two different opinions and the only way they now could solve this was to accept each other's way.

"Jin.. Let us please forget about this. I won't do it again and if I do, feel free to throw me out of this apartment." Hoseok simply said and then walked past the older back inside his room.

Snacks, lots of sleep and cuddles and Yoongi was basically enjoying life to the fullest, apart from the fact that his legs hurt a bit.

Once it was getting late however, the omega felt wide awake after sleeping all day.
Hoseok sleeping besides him and getting out of his grip to stumble towards the door and eventually end up inside the living room, getting comfortable on the couch and cuddling in an blanket, silently watching movies until 4am when the light suddenly got switched on and the omega looked a bit caught towards the one who turned the lights on.

".. What even.. Why are you all alone here at this time?" Namjoon asked utterly confused, sitting down to then sigh a bit out.

"Why are you awake?" Yoongi asked, the alpha giving him an look as if to say 'don't ask'

Joon perhaps really picked the worst room.
Being a light sleeper and having his room besides Jimin and Jungkook who sometimes played all night some games and kept him awake with their cheers and talking.

"You and Hoseok seem to be fine now. You two talked about it?" Namjoon asked quietly, looking at the omega who slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah.. He has apologized multiple times for it. I think he's still not done apologizing, because yesterday he kept mumbling that he's sorry about it.." Yoongi answered and leant a bit against Namjoon who started to hum a little.

A silence, Namjoon just staring down at the omega besides him.
The smaller not saying a word and staring back at the tv.

A few minutes passing, Yoongi eventually turning his head to now look at Namjoon only to see him staring at him.

".. Do you have to work tomorrow?"

"I do. I thought about taking a day off though. I got no damn sleep yet and I'm not sure if I'm even be able to focus." The taller explained, moving a hand through Yoongis hair and then poking his cheek.

"Once we're all less busy we all could take a day off, perhaps go somewhere nice with you."

"Somewhere nice?"

"Yes, perhaps a day trip out, or go on an short vacation. Something like that." The alpha spoke, the omega now nodding his head as he really liked the idea of that.

"Even to another country?"

"Whatever we decide on. It could be anywhere. Make some suggestions and we'll see."

Humming and leaning against the taller, both of them watching TV for a while until someone else walked in and looked a bit irritated at them

"It's 6am why are you two watching TV already?" Jin asked, only for both of them to turn around to look at him.

"Because we're cool." Yoongi simply said, looking at Jin for a few seconds, the older making his way towards him and quickly picking Yoongi up to then quickly peck his lips.

"Wanna join me today at work again? Everyone's gonna be out today, apart from Kook."

Joining Jin at work sounded nice, especially when he thought about watching the alpha doing his job. It was satisfying, but at the same time he absolutely had no interest in it since the alpha never gave him any attention since he was so busy.

"Only for a while though. After that I wanna do something else."

"what exactly?"

"I wanna hangout with Namjoon."

"You do?" Namjoon now asked a bit surprised, looking at the omega who looked kinda of irritated at him.

"Why are you so surprised now?" the smallest asked only for Joon to quickly change his expression and shake his head.

"I'm not surprised! So let's hangout, I'm gonna take the day off I guess." The alpha decided, Jin just watching and eventually letting Yoongi back down.

A few hums leaving his lips, a calming atmosphere that surrounded him and overall an very pleasant vibe.

Coffee being poured in different mugs, order after order and Jins welcoming voice that greeted customers before saying their goodbyes.

One after anotger, each time the same routine.
As satisfying as it was to watch Jin and his handsome face, Yoongi really started to get bored after sitting there for two hours.

Walking around a bit, only for Jin to tell him to sit down eventually after he nearly ran in Yoongi a few times.

Sitting now in the coffee shop, sipping his coffee and eyeing his phone to check his messages.

Namjoon just having texted him that he'd pick him up in ten minutes.

They didn't yet decide on what they'd do, but everything would be more interesting than sitting in the same spot and having nothing to do.

Second life/ Omegaverse Bottom YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now