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For how long would this continue?

Kiss after kiss, Yoongis hands gripping on the fabric of Namjoons shirt and the work that the taller actually wanted to work on now was totally forgotten.

A small grin on the alphas lips once he looked at the kinda breathless omega in front of him.

"Too fast? Should I go slower for you?"

"H-huh? No. No.. This is-Ah! The fuck was that for!?"

If Namjoon had been honest, Yoongi looked just like an mad cat in that second. Cute and a bit funny but not to joke with.

Especially after he just gave his butt a slap and the smaller didn't seem to like that at all.

"Sorry Yoongi, just had to." the taller smiled a bit apologetic as if to try and not upset the smaller even more.

Only a small huff, yoongi not even saying anything about it after that and instead being distracted once again with Namjoon lips, this time however on his neck.

Now rather like a tame kitten than an mad cat.
How easily a few small kisses could make such a big difference.

"You know.. You know.. I feel like we should spend more time together."

A comment that made Yoongi put his attention back on Namjoon and not only on his kisses.

"More time? But aren't we already spending plenty of time together at work?"

"..you call that plenty of time?"

"Well.. You visit me like.. Every 20 minutes so I'd call it plenty yeah." Yoongi hummed a bit only for Namjoon to stop the kisses with a low hum, his hands moving on Yoongis cheeks to hold his face.

"But outside of the work times.. We should spend more time together. I wanna go on more dates with you, take you out just.. Do things together.. I know I'm busy but somehow I'll manage that. So what do you think?"

How well Namjoon always got to the point.
He wasn't one to talk around his wants neither was he just trying to get what he wanted without a care for others. He was considerate of Yoongis opinion, wanted the smaller to know his feelings and thoughts to not lead to any problems in the future.

".. I guess.. We could do that.. How about.. Next Friday? You've got the Saturday off right?"

"Yes I do. Next Friday then, 7pm yeah?"

"Got it."

A small hum if approval followed by a peck on Yoongis lips and another one of those dimple smiles.

How much Yoongi loved those.

"By the way.. Since we're all alone right now, how about we continue kissing?"

".. Do you really have to ask for that?"

Both staring at each other for a few seconds, Namjoon shrugging his shoulders and then leaning forward to push his lips once again on Yoongis.

Very sweet in fact how Yoongis lips tasted.

However their small make out session was cut off by Jungkook who opened the door and stared at the two for a few seconds in complete silence as if fighting with himself to not somehow get jealous.

".. Dinner is ready."

Leaving without another word, the young alpha disappearing inside the kitchen.

Sometimes Jungkook Was just so irritating.

Yoongi wasn't sure if it was something to worry about or not.
The young alpha often had his moments where he'd do stupid stuff, act completely unlike himself only to then an hour after again be the sweet little boy that Yoongi was used to.

Second life/ Omegaverse Bottom YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now