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"You really should've given those guys your number."

"I don't think so. Those guys were awfully pushy about it. Really seemed like a scam and I don't think I'd even fit their image very well or any brand"

".. Are you joking right now? Jungkook you'd be an amazing model. I am talking from experience so you can believe me about that."

"But I don't think that I'd be very good at talking to them hyung. I really don't like applying for stuff it's always so awkward."

Taehyung sighing and leaning back on the bed.

A casual chat with the youngest, nothing too uncommon.

A knock on the door and there the oldest stood, a bag in his hands.

"Kook.. What did I tell you about borrowing my stuff?"

"..to bring it back once I'm done."


A silence, Jin rubbing his temples and leaning against the doorframe.

"Bring it back clean.. Why did you keep your damn day old lunch box in it !? Now my bag smells like kimchi whenever I open it!" Jin complained, Taehyung starting to laugh as he looked at Jins expression.

"Sorry hyung.. But kimchi is at least one of your favorite meals, so I kinda only gave your bag a upgrade." Jungkook grinned, Jin looking a bit in disbelief at him and then at Taehyung.

"Did you tell him that Tae!? You're getting very daring Kook. Don't let their cooky behavior rub off on you." Jin warned before walking off again.

Jungkook really slowly was getting a bit more daring since they moved together.
Spending a lot of time with Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok truly made him loosen up over time and take over some of their behaviors.

The two continuing to talk until outside in the hallway a loud thump sound was heard followed by a scream of Yoongi.

Now he got everyone's attention, the guys literally rushing outside of their rooms only to relax once seeing that the omega was fine and just seemed to have screamed because he was annoyed at Namjoon.

"I told you it'd fall.. Ahhhhh! This is upsetting.."

"Sorry sorry. I'll buy you a new speaker! Relax." Namjoon apologized, Hoseok being the first to ask what was going on.

"What are you doing?"

"We wanted to switch rooms." Namjoon briefly explained, Jin looking a bit irritated at the two.

"Why is that? Don't you like your room?"

"I do.. But Namjoon can't sleep well in his room because of Kook and Jimin so I decided to switch." Yoongi shrugged and then tried to continue only for Taehyung to pull him to the side and give his cheek a small pinch.

"Let us do this baby. Let your mates do the work." The alpha winked, Yoongi just standing there and deciding to watch how they all suddenly started to help as if to try and impress the omega.

A small satisfied sigh, laying on the big bed and looking at the new ceiling above him as the others still kept moving stuff around.

"No don't-AHH I just put that up! Ayyy!" Jin yelled a little, looking at Taehyung who knocked something over.

The alpha staring at the other, both of them saying nothing after that and Taehyung quietly putting it up again.

"Someones sensetive.." Jimin quietly mumbled, nudging Jungkooks side who kept looking towards Yoongi not even having noticed what had happened.

"mhm.. Yeah?"

A few more minutes, Taehyung eventually letting out a annoyed groan.

"Stop telling me what to do already! I know how to set a nest up properly! I'm not fucking stupid Jin"

"I never said you're stupid! I just told you that you're doing it wrong."

"I'm not doing it wrong! I literally did how you wanted me to do it and then changed your mind!" Taehyung now said pretty frustrated, glaring a bit at the other alpha who only glared back, Namjoon stepping in between the two to make sure it wouldn't art out.

"How about you work on something else Tae? Let Jin do this okay?" The taller asked, putting a hand on Taehyungs back and pushing him with him towards Jimin.

Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung working together on some decoration.
And then there was Jungkook and Hoseok who kept themselves entertained by playing rock paper scissors over who had to move the closet around.

Yoongi really noticed that Seokjin seemed to be a bit sensetive at the moment.
Quickly getting upset and annoyed at the smallest of stuff.

Standing up from the bed and moving behind the alpha, to check on what he was doing.

The alpha setting up the nest Yoongi sometimes was chilling at, moving a bit to hold onto Jins arm only for the taller to pull his arm back.

"Go and help Nam-.. Ah sorry baby. I thought you was Taehyung for a second." The alpha apologized as he looked back at the omega.

"Are you stressed? You seem a bit.. Tense lately." Yoongi tried to point out as nicely as possible without calling Jin a douche bag and sensetive.

"tense.. Am I?.. How about you give me a opinion on your nest for now. Is it okay like that? Do you need more pillows perhaps?" The alpha asked, Yoongi looking down and sitting down with a small hum.

"Not bad.."the omega mumbled, eventually laying down and letting out a satisfied sigh.

Jin waiting for an answer, only for the smaller to pat on the free spot next to him.

Yoongi wasn't sure why Jin behaved that way, but somehow relaxing the alpha now was the best he could do.

The alpha slowly laying down as well, a small smile making it's way on his lips as the omega wrapped his arms around him.

A few seconds turning into minutes, the two happily cuddling and not minding the other's who kept walking around to rearrange stuff.

"Yoongi baby we're done for now. I'm gonna make dinner with Hoseok and Jimin" Taehyung hummed, following the other's out.

"Ah no wait Taehyung I'm gonna ma-" Jin started, leaning up only for Yoongi to pull him back down.

"Let them. Stay here for now." The omega spoke, holding onto Jin who looked a bit unsure only to finally give in when Yoongi pecked his lips.

A few silent minutes, more cuddling and eventual some small kisses.

How well this small gestures seemed to already have an effect was always surprising the omega.
The quick change of vibe, the calm relaxed breaths and the pair of eyes that only could look softly at him.

It didn't matter to who exactly he did those gestures, they all were affected by them.

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