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"Isn't it.. Weird?"

"Weird? I guess.. It's a bit odd"

"But for real now.. Did he ever tell you about it?"


"..well..perhaps it's better if we don't ask. You know.. Doesn't seem like his past was fun based on the scar on his back." Jimin sighed, leaning back against the wall.

"I guess.. It really is weird though. Perhaps it was a accident in his childhood?"

"In his childhood? Wouldn't it have healed a bit better by now? It seemed kind of.. New? I don't know how to describe it" Jimin mumbled as he thought about it.

"I get what you mean.. Didn't he say his parents are dead as well?"

"Yeah.. Said they died.. And then he moved here.. What if.. The scar on his back and his parents death have something to do with each other?"

".. I mean.. It'd be possible..?"

"Joon.. Joon stop sniffing me"

"I'm not"

"You're literally pushing your face in my nape right now" Yoongi spoke, leaning a bit forward to look up at Namjoon who stood behind him.

An average work day. Namjoon visiting him out of nowhere and being as affectionate as ever.

"Don't act like it's a problem. How about you take a break and we both spend some time together." a charming smile, only for Yoongi to shake his head and look back at his computer.

"I pass"

A dissapointed sigh, that was quickly cut off by Namjoons phone.

So gone he was.

Yoongi working like usually only to eventually be done working without namjoon showing up once.

Usually the taller visited him more than once, therefore that was a bit confusing.
A small trip to his office and there he had his answer.

Busy as always, rushing around trying to find some documents and the taller looking overly stressed out.

"Joon.. What's going on?"

"Huh? Ah Yoongi just.. One second" the taller mumbled, putting some papers down on his desk and reading over them before he searched for the next one.

"there's.. This new inspector that visits us today and it's kinda unexpected because he apparently called this morning and changed the date to today so i have to get some stuff ready and he's gonna be here any second and-"

"Okay okay, that's enough for me to know. Don't stress yourself out too much now." Yoongi said as he looked at the taller and kept watching him for a bit.

"You've got something there"

"Hm where!? Where?" Namjoon asked looking around on his suite like crazy, Yoongi walking over and pointing directly at his chest before he pushed the taller back on the chair and let out a small sigh.

"For fucks sake namjoon relax a bit. You nearly threw down that mug three times in the last two minutes." Yoongi pointed out, only for Namjoon to sigh out as well and shake his head a bit.

"Baby I know I must seem a bit stressed but inspectors usually aren't to joke with. Especially after the case with you and how I kinda overworked you.. That really was no joke and-"

"Yes yes but just calm down a little. You're a smart guy, you won't fuck this up."

Hands on Namjoons cheeks, the alpha staring at the omega in front of him and a small grin appearing on his lips.

Yoongi complimenting one wasn't that regular.

Truly felt like a blessing, especially being called smart.

"Oh.. I'm smart? What else am I? Give me some confidence now." the alpha hummed, a smug grin on his lips.

Yoongi staring forward at Namjoon, as if this was some kind of stupid joke before he decided to play along.

"Oh you know you're really really really.. And I mean really.. Clumsy."

A grin on Yoongis lips, Namjoon looking a bit done before again a small smile made it's way on his lips.

"I'm clumsy? A cute clumsy at least?"

"Hm.. Yeah okay. Let's call it a cute clumsy."

A small happy smile, the alpha again standing up and putting his hands on the desk to cage the omega in before pecking his lips.

"You know you're pretty cute yourself."

"Yeah yeah thanks I guess" Yoongi mumbled, trying to get out of this position.

"Aw don't try to leave already. It's okay if you're flustered."

"I'm not flustered!" Yoongi immediately spoke up, nudging the tallers shoulder.

"You're not? Then let me make you flustered." A grin on the alphas lips, leaning in once again towards the omega who could only widen his eyes at this sentence.

Namjoon sometimes had such a rizz it was unreal.

Yet Yoongi still tried to resist his charm, trying to push the taller away and shaking his head.

"nah nah enough now. Stop it and get back to work."

"Huh? You're sure? It just got interesting" the taller grinned, hands moving on Yoongis hips, who could only shake his head and sigh a bit out.

"Stop it now! I-"

Yoongis voice being cut off by the door opening and a guy stopping in his moves as he looked at the two.

A pretty bad start for the inspection.

Namjoon seemingly pushing himself onto a omega who just could be heard saying 'Stop it now'.

The fact that Yoongi was mated already also wasn't really giving a good image for Namjoon.

So there the two stood nearly half a hour trying to explain the situation and that Namjoon wasn't actually pushing himself onto Yoongi like some kind of creep.

Being left behind in Namjoons office, laying half dead on the couch and regretting his past actions.

That really was some drama.

Another two hours and the door opened, Namjoon walking in alone and closing the door after him, joining in on Yoongi and laying half dead besides him on the couch.

".. How did it go..?"

"I Passed.."

Both letting out a relieved sigh, a short silence before Namjoon leant up.

"We really should mate soon."

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