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"He isn't picking up.."

"He isn't answering his texts either."

"I saw him yesterday he seemed alright.. A bit annoyed but alright." Hoseok said leaning back into the couch.

"Yes but he didn't come to work today and that's pretty concerning." Namjoon said, moving an hand through his hair.

"..Can't we call the apartment complex?" Jungkook now asked, half laying on the other small couch.

"They probably won't give out any information." Taehyung sighted putting his head on Hoseoks shoulder who sat besides him.

"How do you know that?" Jimin now asked, looking at Taehyung.

"I tried getting some information on him about an week ago.. They thought I'm a stalker and nearly called the cops."

Jin sighted out, banging his head against the wall.

They all sat in Namjoons office.
It was already 1pm and none of them had heard from Yoongi.

"What if he's dead..?what if someone kidnapped him or-"

"JIMIN! Stop scaring us all.. Perhaps.. He's just in his heat..?" Namjoon said trying to think if that made sense.

Meanwhile Yoongi was at home, staring at his TV while laying on the couch.
He did absolutely nothing. He thought of nothing, yet felt like he regret his life.

He wasn't sure what he wanted.
He wasn't sure how this all would continue.
He simply wasn't sure what to do with himself, especially since he never was good with his own emotions.

Why did it suddenly hit him like a truck? Why now all out of nowhere?

He spend the whole day inside, not doing anything.
It was already 10pm when he once again walked outside.

Black hoodie on, hood pulled up and taking slow steps, walking along the route he so often takes.

A knock, followed by some footsteps which could be heard.

The door creaked open, revealing the dim light which now shone in Yoongis face.

He wasn't sure what he was doing at this point.
He was just too confused to understand his own emotions.

It was a seight which hurt the taller male deep down in his heart.
He had seen Yoongi looking annoyed and done before, but never had be imagined Yoongi to look this devestated and lost.

"It's okay.. It's okay Yoongi, I'm here."

It wasn't much, yet it was so comforting.

Kim Seokjin.
The only one who was older than him.
The one Yoongi saw as someone mature enough to ask for advice and help.

It was a simple hug, so simply yet meaning so much to Yoongi.
Hands gripping on jins shirt and standing there for an few minutes, not saying an single word.

"Let's go upstairs.. I'll make you some tea and you can relax." Jin said, walking upstairs with Yoongi who just followed.

He was sitting on the couch, staring at his feet and waited for Jin.

"Hyung what's going on?" Jungkooks voice could be heard.

"Go back in your room Jungkook. Everything's fine." Jin said, quickly walking back inside the living room with the two mugs in his hands and sitting down besides Yoongi.

"do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" Jin asked, taking a sip of his tea.

Yoongi said nothing for an second just sighting out staring at his hands until Jin held onto them.

"Did you get into a fight? What happened there?" Jin asked carefully moving a hand on Yoongis cheek and looking at the small scratches.

"I.. Fought a guy."

".. Okay.. Okay. But just some scratches right? Does anything else hurt?" the taller asked, Yoongi shaking his head.

"I'm fine.. Just.. I'm kinda confused."

For a second both of them were quiet, Jin trying his best to understand the situation while Yoongi was awkwardly sitting there, holding the mug in his hands.

"Well.. Anything else? Are you just feeling confused?.. And why exactly are you confused?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders taking a small sip of his tea.

He didn't say a word, just staring at the liquid until Jin called him by his name.

"Yoongi. I really wanna understand you. I'm not sure what exactly you're so confused about but I can assure you, whatever you do, whatever you might think about, I'm very sure that it's nothing I won't be able to handle. Just speak your thoughts, say a word, give me anything to make clear what exactly you want.. "

The smaller stared at Jin for a few seconds, fingers tapping the mug in his hands as if trying to decide what to do next.

"I don't understand myself anymore.. This whole.. You all are so fucking annoying, you acting like I'm a fucking toddler, Taehyung treating me like some object that he can show off, Hoseok and Jimin even involving me in their lives and risking rumors, Namjoon favoring me over other employees and making me feel horrible because of it.. The only one who doesn't seem to see me as some kind of incapable and fragile human, would be Jungkook.. But he also sees me as some kind of teenage crush or perhaps he is just confused himself because he's still young and doesn't seem to have any experience in actual relationships.."

Jin stared at Yoongi, saying nothing as he had to admit that the male was right.

All of them kind of treated Yoongi like an child, being protective, favoring him, fighting over him and being jealous.

Jin knew what Yoongi meant, however in this society Omegas simply symbolized the fragile ones, the ones who needed constantly help and protection. It wasn't really their fault for acting that way and Yoongi knew that himself, it still got on his nerves however and confused him.

Why did he have to be an omega?
Why exactly was he revived in this world?
Why did he have to meet those guys?

Jin stared at the mug in his own hands, not saying a single word.
Only when Yoongi again started to speak his eyes moved back onto the omega besides him.

"It's.. I know that it's normal to act that way for you. It's annoying the fuck out of me... But.. Somehow I still think it's endearing. Does that make sense? I don't hate it, I really really want to, but somehow I just can't..i can't get myself to hate you for what you're doing even if it gets so much on my nerves."

After that another silence, Yoongi looking to his side to look at Jin who had a small soft smile on his lips.

"You know, you seem to have grown attached to us as well by now. If you tried to hate us for acting that way and failed, why not try to like us instead? There's nothing to lose now anyways."

Yoongi blinked a few times, looking back down at his mug and sighting.
It sounded so easy how Jin said it.

He really appreciated the older, his words, his kindness, his patience, his sweetness in this kind of situation.

"I hope you consider it, it's your decision what you're gonna focus on from now on.. I'll get a blanket, you can stay here overnight."

He walked out, Yoongi just staring at the door where Jin walked through and looking back down at his still full mug.

"is this what I'm supposed to do..? Or better said what I wanna do..? Fucking world.. Fucking up my first life and now this fuckery.. "Yoongi mumbled to himself, laying on the couch after Jin had brought him a blanket.

Second life/ Omegaverse Bottom YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now