Chapter 26 First kill

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I was almost frozen again by the fact that she said: "I finished them off." What the hell did she mean with that? Was she really capable of killing the man? And I was worried that she would be in a cell afraid of what was to come.

Ahhh, my brilliant girl never fails to surprise me.

"Well I killed him because he was acting crazy and was threatening to-" I cut her off placing a finger on her lips. "Don't excuse it, be proud... you acted like a hero." I hugged her tense body and felt her soon relax.

When I took a second to look down at her shirt it was covered in blood stains, as a matter a fact it was drenched, from head to toe.

Well there goes my white dress shirt.

"Tell me it is his blood." I sighed. "Yes of course it is!" She smiled like a saint would. "Turn around." She did as I said and I examined the stitches on the back of her head, there were about 16.

That bastard... served him right what he got.

Her forehead was getting better and required no stitches though. "Did he patch you up?" I inquired casually. "Yea." She rubbed her left arm. I frowned, but was happy that she was okay.

"Lets get you cleaned up, come on." I took her hand while I closed the door with the other. "Lorenzo... I am so glad you are okay. I was so worried, and the whole reason I came here was to check if you were alive. I am so happy you are fine." She said clenching at my hand as we walked inside the bathroom.

"You really think I would die to a fucking bullet amore?" I sighed and told her to sit on the toilet seat. I opened one of the top shelves in the bathroom in search for her meds and a bottle of rubbing alcohol, with some cotton.

"Stay here, I will be right back." I quickly went to my closet and took a hoodie with my name on it and a pair of shorts.

This should do.

When I walked back in the bathroom she was seated in a deferent position than the one I left her in. Her hands were holding her head and her elbows were over her thighs. She looked like she was trying to keep her screams to the inside, as her jaw was tightly clenched.

"Are you okay?" I said dropping the clothing on the counter and rushing towards her. She was about to fall to the floor, but I caught her before she did.

"Meds." She shrilled. I began racking the shelves to find the bottle that the doctors prescribed for her and gave them for her to swallow. When she did the pinkish colour left her face and she stopped wheezing.

When she was finally in control of her breathing and movements again I tried to find out why that happened. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Dumbass, of course she is not okay.

"Sorry about that I just hadn't had my meds at the right time due to that Ryan guy." Her uttering that sentence so weakly made me want to tear the man's every limb and crush his skull even after he was dead, but I was saving that hatred for the last part, the fun part.

I took the rubbing alcohol and rubbed the infected rashes on her forehead that hadn't been taken care of. The dry blood began peeling off similar to the way a scab would come off skin and beneath all of the dirt laid a fresh layer of small cuts, but now that everything was clearer I could see exactly where she had bled from.

I noticed her bitting on her own teeth so I put a hand on her lap to calm her down, and ease some of the pain I had caused her. She lifted her head a bit and I took the opportunity to link our eyes. It hurt to see the pain in her expression and I felt helpless. There was nothing I could do for her.

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