Chapter 17 White Lies

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I turned to face the woman who was a lot shorter than me. "I won't hesitate to pull this trigger if you move even one bit more. I stared at her blankly, her bravery was impressive. I wouldn't dare underestimate her just because she was tiny though.

She was wearing a faded hoodie and a pair of torn, worn-out jeans, giving her a dirty appearance. Her black bob covered her left eye and she continued looking right into my eyes. I quickly disarmed her with one of the first moves I learned and pinned her to the car sparing her life. I held both her wrists together and pressed her back chest against the car. I held her gun and cocked it. "It wasn't even cocked." I threw the gun aside and turned her head to face me.

"Who are you?" I asked with a low tone of voice. "I needed some money and you were the only person around." She blurted out before bursting into tears. Her English was impressive. I did not want to take this girl's life so I decided to let her go.

I sent her off with a bill of twenty and began driving back, hopefully, no one would complicate my drive back. I turned on the radio to break the silence and searched for the route back on google maps.


I slowly passed around the dorm walking in circles around the couch desperately waiting for him to get back. Anxious thoughts began to creep into my head on how he would react when he found out about my test results. Would he be okay with everything?

I went to the bathroom as it was already one AM and sat on the concrete floor. Since everyone else was sleeping I tried my best to be quiet. I leaned with my back against the wall before hugging my knees.

I closed my eyes and began to cry silently, what if he never comes back? I shut my eyes and began reciting all the memories I made with him. I could already feel myself falling in love with him. I wasn't ready for this.

Hope was the only thing offering it's hand. It was like a rope that I was grabbing onto since I was about to fall from a cliff of despair. I needed him and that was final. Even knowing that he would likely live longer than me.

I began to pray for him and about half an hour later someone gently knocked at the door. I jolted up from my seating position and rushed to the door. There he was standing, his hands covered in bruises and cuts all over his cheeks.

His expression lit up at seeing me. He seemed exhausted and looked like he desperately needed a bed. " Ciao, Bella." He said walking inside and picking me up by the waist, pulling me into one of his bear hugs. He no longer had his crutches and was walking over the cast.

"I am so happy you are okay!" I said, my eyes watering. I kept my voice down as I spoke excitedly. " I felt the water from my eyes absorb into his suit, but I didn't bother to stop crying. I couldn't exactly tell what I was feeling I just felt a lot. When he put me down I gently closed the door behind him.

He walked over to the bathroom and washed his face. The only light illuminating the room being the city lights passing through the window. I let out a sigh of relief and tiptoed to the couch. I took a seat as I waited for Lorenzo to come out of the bathroom.

After what felt like hours, he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. His being exposed. Water droplets scurried down his abs and dripped on the floor. His hair was covering his vast green eyes and he looked incredibly fresh, even being as tired as he was.

He walked past me and took some clothes from his bag, then he walked straight back into the bathroom to get changed. I couldn't help but watch his every move, and he didn't seem to mind.

I decided not to bring up my test results tonight. Seeing his exhausted face, I just couldn't do that to him. I knew that it would break him to know the news. When he came out of the bathroom again I had already hidden the white envelope.

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