Chapter 23 Accomplishments

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I woke up, but held my eyes shut, refusing to accept reality... my future. It was hard for me to suck it up as I had been taught to do my whole life.

I debated with myself on whether I should or shouldn't move and jump back into reality.

"Uncle!!! My knee, it hurts!" I cried, my body slowly shutting down as I looked at the open wound on my knee I could see the tip of my bone peaking out from the thin layer of skin surrounding it. The more I looked at it the scarier it got. "Child, you mustn't cry for such things. Physical pain is nothing to cry for!" He picked me up from the floor and carried me back into the house. "Aren't you going to take me to the hospital?" I asked worriedly staring at the wound, trying to stop the flowing tears. "We will take care of it here, now suck it up until then."


Slowly I opened my eyes only to see light and people talking Lorenzo soon came to my side and held my hand as he stared at me with a smile so rare that it was worth more than gold. His eyes met mine, and they were filled with something I had never seen before. A mixture of panic like I had never seen. I wanted to move, but I couldn't I tried moving my hands and I could.

"Are you okay Isabella?" Lorenzo asked. "No," His expression changed as I paused for a breath. "No, I am not!" I cried more before grabbing him by the collar of his dress shirt and pulling him for a hug. I felt like never letting him go.

I am dying, I will have to.

The doctors walked in, but I signaled for them to leave and they did without making a sound. Me and Lorenzo stood like that for a few more minutes and then he pulled away. It was that quick... those two minutes felt more like two seconds. And soon they were going to be future memories.

I couldn't bear the fact that he would be left alone, to find another girl and live on without me. I couldn't stop sobbing, but I should have.

When the doctors came back into the room again they explained that with some medications they could keep me in a state that I could still move normally, but I would have to take medications that would speed the time that the paralysis would take to fully paralyse me in the future which means it would basically happen at once, and might even kill me a day after a stop taking them. But they have a high chance of keeping me fully functioning until my time comes.

"By taking the pills you will have a month of a fully moving body, but after that month is over you will have to stop taking the pills because if not you will unfortunately perish. On the other hand, you can decide not to take the pills and slowly paralyse in a painful way until you pass away. The decision is up to you." The doctor left the room to give us some privacy before explaining the way the medication works.

Lorenzo looked at me with concern and confusion, but I knew what I wanted, and I also knew that what I wanted was something he wouldn't like, nor would approve of, but I chose it anyways.


3 hours later...
As I regained my strength and took medications to walk we went to the car Lorenzo stole.

I realised I that my life had been unfulfilled, but now I was about to begin completing my bucket list, which felt like the beginning of a new-short-life. The life I wanted, but never got.

Once we were out of the hospital I felt the excitement fuel me like gasoline as I prepared to have my first check on the list fulfilled.

I was about to go cliff diving!!

As the sun had been setting we decided we were going to go cliff diving at night which was one of the things I wanted to tick off the list primarily.

Star gazing slash cliff diving was something that seemed off a fairy tale, one of those things that only happen once in an entire lifetime.

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