Chapter 3 shopping spree

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I pushed Rose off me when she jumped over me. "Hey, I'm not a terrorist calm down!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and her nerves finally seemed to calm a bit. She stared at me with shock in her eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you I'm just sad, confused, upset and I don't even know what to do anymore." I fell against the wall behind me and slid down it until I was crouched. I put my face in between my knees and hugged my legs before crying into them. I felt a hand land on my back and when I looked up, I saw Rose looking directly at me with the most reassuring look someone could ever have. She offered a hand, and I took it.

"Hey, let's not think about where you came from, it doesn't even matter anyways. Let's just be friends!" We walked out of the plant room, and she led me up the stairs of the house. Her steps were so heavy that every time she would go up a stair it would make a very loud creaking noise that I bet the penguins in Antarctica could hear them. The sound was deafening, but her kindness made me forget all about it.

When we reached the top of the infinity staircase she stopped at the top and gestured for me to walk ahead of her. I passed in front of her and walked to the end of the tiny hallway. It was very dark, but not pitch black. The sun was setting and there was only one triangle window over a small door right at the end of the hall. I opened the small oak door and inside was a dirty room. Dead bugs were scattered everywhere and there was even rat poop laying around.

Oh god, this is creepy I miss my parents so much, I would do anything to hold my mommy's comforting warm hand right now.

I stopped right at the entrance before I felt a pair of small hands land on my back. Rose pushed me into the room and then came in right after me. I was still standing there just looking at the small room wondering if my thoughts were right about what she brought me there for, I was only waiting for her to confirm them.

"Well, are you going to say anything or not?" I watched as she grimaced little by little due to my terrible reaction. Well, what was I supposed to do? Say I loved the creepy ugly rat poop room?

I cracked a smile and pulled her into a tight hug. "I love it!" Those words were hard to come out of my mouth, but I somehow managed to say them. "I also hate the room trust me, I do... Giovanni chose it, not me! Don't give me that look. He told me to go to his office and bring you with me because he wants to find decorations for the room. That way we can go shopping together! I am so excited!!" Her voice raised gradually as she spoke because of how excited she was. When she was done speaking she grabbed both of my hands as she stood in front of me and started to swing my arms and twirl around the room. She jumped and squealed as she laughed for no apparent reason.

Maybe this girl isn't as mean as I thought she was when I first saw her. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Even though I was never a huge fan of shopping, I didn't mind going once with her. "Oh, I'm so excited I appreciate all of the efforts you both are putting into me, but I don't understand why because I'm going to see my dad again. And all of this will likely cost you a lot of money for such a short period."

"Well we surely have enough money to spend with this, and you will likely not be going home anytime soon so get comfy!" Her excitement levels dropped to normal ones again and we walked down to where her room was located.

"So, put this on and wear this lipstick." She smiled and threw the stuff on her bed before picking her outfit out and walking into the bathroom of her room to get dressed. I slipped off my fan merchandise of Pepa Pig as fast as I could and put on the puffy pink skirt she gave me accompanied by a white top. I looked like a ballerina, I hated it but put it on anyways just not to hurt her feelings. She seemed like a crazy, but a sensitive girl.

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