Chapter 7 New School

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The present day
18 years old...

I checked the clock and realised it was time to start getting ready. I went to the closet and grabbed an old empty suit case.

I stuffed all of my clothes and most valuable belongings then closed the bag up. Since I did not have many things it was quite an easy task.

By the time I was done packing I fixed my makeup and dragged my suitcase with me down to the breakfast table where uncle was sitting.

It was a gloomy morning, the sky was abnormally grey everything was foggy. "Good morning Uncle." I pulled a chair and the sound of it being pulled echoed around the house. Everything was quiet and the only two people in the house were me and uncle.

Rose left the house at 16 to go and work somewhere. Uncle has been searching for her ever since the day she vanished from existence.

I felt bad for leaving uncle alone, I did not want to leave him and I promised him that I would come back someday.

The house has been depressing ever since Rose and Gray left, even though I did not like Rose she still made a difference in my life.

The only noises heard were the ones of silverware hitting the ceramic plates as we ate. Uncle looked sadder than usual.

Of course he was sadder than usual I'm leaving the house!

"Uncle, I won't be gone for long, I won't do what Rose did to you, I won't hurt you as badly as she did. I love you uncle."

"It's okay, I knew this day was coming. You need to live your life." He threw his fork on his plate before violently wiping his mouth and standing up.

If he just said those words why was he pissed?

"Uncle please!" I ran after him. When I finally caught up he was setting his plate inside of the sink. I touched his shoulder and he turned around to face me.

"Uncle... what can I do for you?" "Nothing in your power Isabella, it's okay. Now go to the airport and start your life, I was good for a certain time, now you don't need me anymore so please go." "But!" "No but's just go!" I sighed and hugged him. "I love you Uncle, I will always need you."

"Wait before you go... remember how I told you that when you got older I would let you know about what happened to your dad?"


"Well I think your ready to know the truth. Your father got locked up in prison, he was blamed for the death of your mother and was sentenced 60 years in prisons." "Your mother committed suicide."

"What? How?"
"Well... when the police found your mom's body they blamed it on your dad. He was covered in blood and the gun was covered in his prints."

"Oh, I- I did not expect that." I felt my eyes start to water as my mother memories came flooding back.

"Well, well child I thought it was important that you knew this before you left in case... something happens to me. I have no intentions in ruining your day so please go get the flight that will make your life change."

"Make sure you study hard, my job here has been fulfilled." I brushed my fresh tears off my face and dragged my suitcase towards the cab that was already waiting for me.

"Bye uncle... thanks for everything." I gently closed the entrance door.

Okay Isabella, your life starts now, uncle prepared me for this... I'm finally ready!

Even though I felt sad about what happened to my parents I just had to push it back. I had to be numb. That's something I mastered over the years.

"Hello, may I take your bag?" The cab guy asked extending his hand to take my bag. "Yes you may sir." I smiled and handed him the bag.

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