Chapter 2 Coloring pencils

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"I- I am trying to find out where I am Mr..."
"Giovanni, I need to find out how I ended up waking up in the middle of your garden and where my parents are," I spoke worriedly.

"Oh, you are in Italia! And I don't know how you ended up here either, where do you live?"

"Mommy told me not to talk to strangers I can't tell you, sorry."

"I am only trying to help you get home kid, you need to tell me what your address is for me to be able to help you." He asked reaching out for my shoulder, but I moved out of the way before he could.

With a lot of sudden convincing, he finally got me to give him my information.

"Oh, I am sorry, but your mom seems to have... passed away. I am sorry... about that." He stopped speaking and looked at the ground with disappointment.

"No," I said at first with no emotion.
"NO, NO, NO!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
His words just barely passed the barrier I put in front of myself to avoid understanding the truth.

I felt my eyes water and I had to hold my breath so that I wouldn't completely break down in front of this man.

Giovanni opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself in the process. Around twenty seconds later he asked if I was okay.

"I don't believe you!" I opened the silver locket my mom had given to me for my birthday last year and looked at the picture of us sitting together on a rock beneath a waterfall in California. The locket had an engraving on the front that read 'daughter'. The back of the locket had both our names on it. Ever since she gave it to me I never took it off because I didn't want to ever leave it in another place that wasn't my neck.

I threw myself on the floor before erupting into tears, I couldn't take all this. I would do anything to see my parents. Giovanni watched me cry on the floor and did not say anything. He only watched. When I was done crying he opened his mouth again.

"Kid, I know you miss your parents, but there is nothing I can do about that. You have to learn to think rationally." He chuckled awkwardly after saying that and offered me a hand to stand up.

I took it and his eyes sparkled with some kind of excitement and twinkling in his eyes.
"What's your name by the way?" He asked. How in the world were his eyes sparkling after he just spoke the worst news of my life?

"Isabella," I answered lacking emotion. My emotional intelligence was one of the things that were quite different in me since I was four.
As a matter of fact, I have always been very different than most kids. I was always the odd one out.

I am the only eight-year-old that still watches Pepa and acts like a toddler. I still remember the nights that I would lock myself in my room and color for hours because I was sad about how people bullied me. At the same time as I acted like a baby, I also had an incredible ability to handle stress, at least better than most kids my age.

"What a pleasure to meet you, Isabella." He said before shaking my hand.

"You will have to stay here for a bit kid, in the meanwhile you are welcome to stay in the living room and study the plants or explore the observatory. It is down the hall, to the left."

"I don't feel like going anywhere I want to stay here!"

"Well too bad, you at my house so go find things that you can do. I have lots of work to do, now go!!"

I broke down once again this time he just walked into his office and slammed the door. Once I realized no one was coming out to rescue me I stood up and went to the first room I could find, It was a small pantry.

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