Chapter 14 Mystery Man

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I don't know what to tell her, I was so rude and she didn't even deserve that, but I still was. Damn it!!

I grabbed my boxing gloves and headed to my punching bag. It never failed to help me think through things. Every time I needed to process something important, the punching bag was my go-to. I plugged my headphones and began beating it with all my anger, all my hatred for the world.

I wanted every last bit of the unfairness to burn. I ought for every little injustice done to be justified.

Going back to Isabella, I needed to find a way to tell her what I have been working with. I'm afraid that if I were to tell her I would lose her, and that's probably the only thing I'm scared of. Losing her, or my family.

After a whole hour of thinking about important things I went began making my way back to Isabella which was hopefully still where she was before I left. If she weren't there I wouldn't be mad, I deserved it.

Gladly she was exactly where she was when I left. Sitting on the the metal chair eating some of the last bits of the egg I had made for her.

When she noticed me she did not seem upset, she seemed more worried than anything. "Are you okay?" She asked looking at my hands which were covered in my own blood.

"Your not the one that is supposed to be asking me that." I sighed pulling a chair next to her.

She would have to find out about my job eventually so I might as well explain it now.

"Here we go... so first thing I would like to point out is, I'm sorry for acting the way I did and just storming out. I shouldn't have done that. Secondly... I'm not who you think I am. I work with very bad people. It's dangerous for you to be close to me, but sometimes I just can't help it. Because I'm an egoistic moron, and your my weakness." I sighed and placed my hand on her thigh.

"What bad people Lorenzo?" She asked innocently. "You can't know." I came close to her ear and whispered slowly.

She looked at me deep in the eyes and I could see worry cover her face more and more with each second that passed.

"Don't worry about me please don't... I'm not worth worrying about." I mumbled.

She only continued looking at me. I could see the gears spinning in her head. Trying to click what was going on.

"If something is going on I want to know please." She pleaded.
"No." I answered coldly, trying my best not demonstrate my weakness to her.

She stood up and walked towards my room after that without saying a single word.

I stood up and walked behind her to see what she was going to do next.


I couldn't understand what I was feeling. Was it worry? I went inside Lorenzo's room and I knew he was following behind me, but I pretended like he wasn't there. I grabbed my things, but right before I was about to leave my hair tie fell under the bed.

I crouched under it and took it, but I saw something else under the bed. I pulled it out and realized it was a gun. Blood prints were all over it and I instantly dropped it as soon as I picked it up.

"Lorenzo... what is going on?" He sighed before sitting onto the bed. "I work with a dealer, and if I don't do what he tells me to do he threatens to kill my family. I'm his protector." I felt my jaw slightly drop after what he said.

"Am I dreaming?" I lightly hit my cheeks as I stood up from the floor. "You are not dreaming Bella. Now this can't be told to anyone, do you understand?" He asked her very seriously looking straight into my eyes. He placed his hands on my delicate shoulders as he explained further.

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