Chapter 20 Mother

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With every tick that came from our vintage clock the crippling anxiety wrapped its cold arms around me leaving me gasping for air. I needed to see her face, I needed to know she was okay, I needed her to pick up the fucking phone.

The only noise in the apartment being the ticking, left me feeling worse so I took my phone and played some music to take my mind off her, but I just couldn't get the imprinted image of her smile off my head. Almost as if it were some kind of spell that she had cast upon me.

I stared at my phone as I sat on the glass table in the living room and proceeded to wonder if I should have called once more or not. If she left it was for a reason she wanted to be left alone so I needed to respect that. I pushed all my worries aside and decided to give my mother a call since I felt a tad worried about the fact that she didn't receive the check she was supposed to receive from me this month.

The only reason I got involved with bad people in the first place was to help my mother so why stop now? I needed to make sure she got all the care she could get. I dialed her number as quickly as I could, anxious just to hear her speak.

When she picked up I could hear a bunch of background noises that seemed like something was going on that she wasn't telling me about. "Hey, Mom I just called to ask if I can go visit you?" I waited for her to speak, but she stayed silent for over a minute. "Mom, are you okay where are you?" "Hello darling, I'm sorry it took me so long to answer, of course, you can visit my love! Just don't come to my house go to the Plaza Centre hotel and I will be right at the entrance of it. "Mom, is something wrong?" " Honey don't worry about me just show up alright? Be safe!" "Yes mom I will don't worry."


When my backpack was packed and I was ready to go I made sure to write Isabella a note in case she were to come earlier than me. Besides I was only planning in staying for 3 days. I took the train and then a bus and I was finally there after traveling for a measly 4 hours. When I saw her worry began spreading itself across my mind.

Something was different about her.

"Hey mother!" I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist and gently picked her up, as she had become weaker. She chuckled softly and smiled embracing the hug. When we finally settled into the small hotel room I decided to pull out the question that had been bothering me since I called. "Mother what were the background noises? Where were they coming from?" A look of sadness and disappointment covered her face like a thick layer of gel.

She took her necklace and began rubbing her thumbs on the pendant, she would always do that when she had bad news or when she was nervous about something . "Honey it was nothing can we just enjoy this time?" She pleaded. "Please mother tell me what was it?" I begged. "No... don't worry." I sighed upset and ready to get out from that room, but I didn't.


I began getting ready for bed and made myself some tea before wrapping under the silky sheets uncle had given me. The fire place warmed me up since it was a cold mansion despite the heat outside. Right before I grabbed my book I heard a bang down stairs. It shocked me so I quickly ran down to check if everything was okay.

I heard some strange voices that weren't uncle's so I needed to think fast. It was likely some thieves.

Oh no, we couldn't afford to lose everything at such a terrible time!

I ran under the wooden desk that was located next to the stairs that led up to uncle's room. The little desk had an emergency knife under it and I pulled it out from it's cover ready to attack anyone that were to go up the stairs.

The piece of furniture was especially designed for situations like this. I needed some more strategy though, so I decided to try and figure out who was their leader by listening to their voices and comments. If I were to get this wrong I could screw up everything. I needed to find a way of attacking their leader and using him as a threat to the other two men. Without their leader they wouldn't dare do anything.

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