Chapter 9 Bitches

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A few days later

I walked into school feeling drowsy and with no strength from the night before, I was a walking next to Lea down the corridor when I spotted Lorenzo slamming his locker and running somewhere.

Lea gladly did not see him because if she had it would have been a mess. She would have likely started making sounds and hearts with her hands.

When it was lunch time I decided to go get my prepared salad instead of the cold pizza they were serving at the cafeteria.

"Lea, can you find us a table? I need to go fetch my salad real quick."

"Sure, I will be waiting over there." She pointed at the table in the back where Ben was sitting at.

I cringed at seeing Ben in his striped shirt. It was just hideous. I didn't mean to be mean, but it was just true. Of course I wasn't going to say it though.

I ran up to the lockers and fetched my salad, on my way back I heard some noises coming from the turning point of the corridor. I walked until the end, but hid behind the wall not to be seen.

I tried my best to get a good glance at whoever was fighting, and I surprisingly saw Lorenzo pinning a wimpy looking boy against the rough concrete wall.

It wasn't to much of a surprise that Lorenzo was doing something like this judging by his appearance.

I did not want Lorenzo to see me, but my curiosity on what was happening got the better of me.

I silently watched to see what he would do next.
"I don't want to see you snooping around my stuff again, leave me the fuck alone and mind your own lousy business. Wimpy fuck!" His husky voice came out as a whisper, a threatening one.

He shook the boy again as if he were a toy waiting for his reply. The boy did not reply so he shook him again. This time his grip on the boy's s shirt grew tighter and the muscles of his forearms shifted.

"Okay, please just let me down!!" The boy cried.

Lorenzo put him down without a word and the boy was gone within the blink of an eye.

I walked back to the lockers before Lorenzo got the chance to see me around the corner and pretended as if I were closing it from getting my salad.

I felt him pass right behind me, the sent of his fresh cologne making it's way up my nose. I just couldn't get enough of how good he smelled for some reason.

When he was no longer in the corridor I sprinted over to the cafeteria to meet with Lea and Ben.

"Hey Lea!" I said slamming my salad bowl against the dirty metal table.

"What happened? Was there a monster in your locker?" She asked sarcastically.

Ben was no longer there so I sat where he was sitting. I did not want to tell Lea about what I saw so I kept it for my self.

"No I was just looking for something." I checked my watch and realised we only had five minutes until lessons so I stuffed my mouth with all the lettuce that I could before skipping off to chemistry.

When I arrived all of the seats were taken except for the one next to Lorenzo. I felt curious about who he really was, but I didn't want to get into his business.

He was always so mysterious to me. The fact that he always carried an emotionless expression also made me want to change that and put a smile onto his pink lips.

It became a mission to me, maybe I should have considered being a clown.

I pulled the wooden chair from under the desk and it made the loudest noise causing everyone to look over.

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