Chapter 6 The art room

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  "Thank you for the meal Mr.Giovanni." Gray politely stood up and took his plate to the kitchen. I excused myself and chased after Gray.

"Hey, Gray please don't let her words get to you, she is like that with me too!" He started washing his plate. "Thanks again, I'm fine." Even though he said he was okay he clearly wasn't, Rose had already affected him.

"Alright, then I will leave you so that you can have some time to yourself." He nodded and I walked away.

Half way through climbing the stairs uncle called me to his office again. When I got there Rose was sitting on the chair of his office and uncle seemed more upset than ever.

As I tried to guess why he started speaking before I could think of anything I had done. "Rose is what you said true?" He looked at Rose and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes dad it is true." What are they talking about? "Lead us to the room then." Rose walked out of the office. Me and uncle followed behind her and suddenly everything clicked.

Of course, she is leading us to my art room! As I expected she took me and uncle to the art studio I had been building little by little. When we were standing in front of the door where all my dreams and passions were she looked at both of us in the eyes.

Slowly the door knob clicked as she turned it. At this point I was shaking worried about what would happen when uncle sees what I had done.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes tight. I heard uncle gasp when I assumed the door had already been open. I walked inside the room past Rose and uncle and stood in the middle of all my paintings.

The smell of wet paint filled my nostrils, I breathed all the smell in as hard as I could before opening my eyes again.

When I looked at Rose's smug face anger filled my body. I knew that all she wanted was to hurt me all the time, but this? This is too much!

"Uncle's face turned red and I could practically see smoke come out of his ears. "Isabella what is the meaning of this?" He put a demanding look on his face. He was clearly trying to contain his anger.

"You traitor, you dare do this after everything I have done and given to you the least you could have done was follow one of the only rules I gave you."

"I GAVE YOU ONE DAMN RULE ISABELLA!!!" He violently threw his arm down shaking his head.

Rose was shocked at his anger, so shocked that she didn't even move. Her eyes were wide with shock.

I burst into tears and went down on my knees. "Uncle please, don't you see that I did this because it is my passion? Painting is my passion... stop trying to take it away from me! It is what makes me happy! For once please care!" He was shocked at what I said because I had never stood up to him before.

I used the last bit of my energy to say those words before everything went black and I was knocked out.


I forced my glued shut eyes back open and looked around to see where I was. I was laying on a couch and uncle was sitting next to me.

"Hi uncle, what happened?" I asked slightly lifting my head. "You passed out... we found your little art room." His words hit me hard. When I realised what he had just said I sat up straight with widened eyes. All of a sudden I remembered everything that happened.

I backed away from uncle until I was at the edge of the couch. "Isabella, it is okay, your okay." He came closer. "I'm sorry, I overreacted." His words were soothing and soon I calmed down a bit.

My heart beat slowed down a bit and I laid back. "Why do you hate art so much?" I whispered.

"Art is the reason my wife died." He said not being able to look up at me. "She sculpted and painted for a living just because she said it was her passion."

I noticed his eyes become glossy as he spoke. His voice cracked a bit, but he continued. "My wife bought the cheapest supplies when she was pregnant with Rose. I did not care to much about the paint she used so I just brushed it off. Before Rose was born my wife started to cough blood. She was puking and losing weight. After a few weeks of this behaviour I took her to the hospital. The doctors said that she had blood cancer. Late stages of blood cancer and that there was no longer a way to save her. I tried everything I could, but there was no use. The doctors said that she got it because of the chemicals in the paint she used. She left paint on her skin and it absorbed causing her to get sick later on. When Rose was born my wife passed. Ever since I hid all of her paintings in the basement behind the orange curtain that was next to the laundry room. I swore never to paint after that because it reminded me to much of her."

He sighed and I noticed a tear slide down his cheek. A single tear with so much pain in it. I had never seen him this sad before. I stood up and walked over to his side of the couch to give him a warm hug.

He hugged me tightly, so tightly that I couldn't breathe. We stood like that for a minute before I stood up to take a breath. "I'm sorry uncle, I didn't know."

"It's okay."


Six years ago
12 years old...

Uncle and me spent hours building things in the bunker and afterwards we spent the rest of the day studying. We built things that we never thought we were capable of building. And I was satisfied with our results.

Me and Gray bonded over time and the more time I spent with Gray the less I cared about what Rose thought.

I always defended Gray from the stunts Rose piled on him. She hated him just because he was poor. I always felt bad, but there was nothing I could do. Gray became my best friend and he was the only person my age that was I my life.

Life was going good, I love life it is so beautiful.
I went outside in the back l yard to cherish my moment and to breathe in the smell of fresh wet grass.

It just rained and the smell was marvellous, I always loved rain. The sound soothed me. I sat on a wooden pentagon table that was under the roof of the porch and watched the birds sing. The sun rays passed through the tall trees making every detail in between shine.

The sun was slowly setting and I was thankfully for being able to to watch another sunset. "Thank you." I whispered to my self as the orange sky darkened.

"Isabella!!" I heard uncle call causing me to snap out of my fantasy. I followed the sound of his voice until I saw him standing at the entrance with Gray and Ms. Moretti.

"What is going on Uncle?" I asked worriedly. "Ms. Moretti and Grayson are leaving today." He said sadly.

Gray had glossy eyes and Ms. Moretti was serious as always. "No, no please don't!" I pleaded. "We are sorry, there is nothing we can do." Ms. Moretti said.

Gray looked like he was about to open his mouth to say something, but his mom yanked his arm before he could.

"Say bye Gray, thank them for their kindness!"

"Bye Mr. Giovanni and Ms. Isabella." He said forcefully. "Gray!" I called, but his mom continued to drag him away from me.

Gray continued looking backwards as he walked further and further away. There was so much pain in his eyes, pure misery.

When they were both out of sight my uncle shut the door. That night was I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore because I was physically not able to.

It felt as if I had ran out of tears. When I stood up to look in the mirror my face was swollen and my eyes were puffy. Big dark circles rested beneath my eyes and dried crust was covering my cheeks.

From the minute Grayson left I swore never to forget the look he had in his eyes. The look of pain, something that I experienced so much myself.

So this is the story of her childhood. What do y'all think happened to Grayson? Poor kid.

Cya next chapter ;) ps. Sorry for the short chapter I wanted to separate it from the next one because the next one is  very important.

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