Chapter 11 Gun shots

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  I got home with confused feelings. I had no idea what was going on... while Ryan was nice, I still had something for Lorenzo. His eyes and rarely-seen smile were stunning.

He was so familiar and I loved how he never really treated me badly compared to how he treated everyone else.

Ryan and I could certainly just be friends and that's good enough for me.

"I heard gunshots coming from upstairs hurry up and go!!" My partner, Dylan said.
"Don't fucking tell me what to do you imbecile." I hissed at him before shoving him out of the way and passing through.

"What the hell?" I heard Dylan yell from behind. I ignored his complaining and tightened my grip on the gun I had been holding in front of me. I cocked the gun and slowed my pace right around the corner of the hall of the mansion.

I peeked my head around the corner and saw my boss with his hands up and two con artists aiming their guns at him.

I knew that if I were to shoot one of them the other would shoot my boss.

Think dumbass!!

I crept in between both of the men and towered from behind them before grabbing their hair and yanking them together causing their heads to collide.

They knocked out unconscious and I instantly felt relieved. Dylan was still standing behind me with his eyes wide open.

"No need to kill these two yet." I hissed at him and he nodded.

"Boss, are you alright?" I asked faking my concern for his safety.

He nodded, his face covered in sweat droplets. "May, I finish the job sir?" I asked and he nodded.

I picked both of the unconscious men one on each arm and carried them all the way to the cell in the basement.

Dylan followed behind and didn't say a word. "Useless fuck." I muttered under my breath just loud enough for him to hear it.

When I got to the cellar I tied them both up to the same chairs I used to kill many other people in. I made sure the ropes were so tight that it would begin digging into their flesh.

I turned on one of the lamps over their heads and slapped one of them. "Wake up!"

An imprint of my hand was left on his cheek and he woke up instantly. Surprisingly a little bit after the other guy woke up.

"Listen up, I will only ask this once. You have one chance to answer correctly. Depending on how you answer will decipher how you will die."

"If you succeed to satisfy me, you may die painlessly and torture free, now if you don't then you will watch me cut every finger one by one and then from limb to limb." I whispered into one of their ears as I circled around their chairs. I noticed that one of them was holding something so I took it and it turned out to be a knife. An escape knife.

"What the hell is it that you think your doing with a pocket knife?" I kicked the man that was trying to escape so hard that I could hear his leg bone crack.

He whimpered in pain and it fed my anger. "Man up you fucking wimp!! Now answer me!" I yelled at him as tears began pouring down his cheeks.

"I needed to try and con him-" Said the man that I had just kicked. He was shortly interrupted by the other guy attempting to shush him.

I aimed the gun at the other man's head and pulled the trigger on my gun with no hesitation. Blood flew right out dripping all over my clothes.

"Damn you, this was white!" I grabbed my shirt and looked at the red spots covering the flannel.

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