Chapter 13 Rain

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The night felt so magical and I was ready to pass out on the couch. I didn't even care bout the fact that I was still wearing a bikini with drenched hair.

I felt relieved to know that he wanted more of what we had just had. Because I did too. His words worried me in away as well, but I didn't care as long as I could have another perfect day like that.

The day felt so short, but I felt satisfied because it was enjoyed. I wanted more moments like that. It gave me happiness, something I felt like was sometimes vanishing.

Even though I go to school with a big smile, I'm the same girl that is dying inside. And fore some reason... Lorenzo makes me forget about that side of me.


I woke up smelling the delicious smell of bacon infesting my nostrils. I could have basically flown to the kitchen.

When I got there Lea was placing a few bacon strips on a plate with a side of scrambled eggs.

"Take a Seat!!" She said cheerfully before handing me the plate and siting in front of me.

"Why are you not in school? And why are you all of a sudden so cheery?" I asked concerned.

"Simply because I'm going to move out of the dorm soon!! I decided to apply for a marketing job in Rome and I already found a great apartment there.

"Oh! I'm so happy for you!" I knew I should have been happy for her, but for some reason I wasn't fully.

I did. my best anyways and she didn't even notice I wasn't fully.

"So when are you leaving?" I asked with the fakest smile I could make.

"A month!!" She grinned.
"Hey... I'm going to miss you though." She stood up with wide open arms and I hugged her with all my strength. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek, but I discreetly wiped it away.

"I'm going to the gym Lea I will be back!!" I yelled before slamming the door and making my way to the bus stop.

I decided to get into a new gym because I didn't want to face Ryan too often.

When I arrived I put my bag in a locker and went to the first treadmill I could find. There was a mirror in front of it so I watched my self get sweatier as time passed.

I noticed that in the reflexion of the mirror I saw Lorenzo behind me lifting big weights.

Why do I see him everywhere, and why do I feel good about it?

When he noticed me looking at him he seemed shocked. I felt disgusting because of how much I was sweating.

It was so embarrassing I wanted to jump in a hole. I was wearing biker shorts and a top with some white sneakers and a cap.

Even though my outfit was decent the sweat was still humiliating.

How can someone look so good even when they are working out?

I got off the treadmill and headed over to his direction. As a joke, I picked up some of the weights he was lifting and mimicked him as I stood next to him. He glared at me harshly without a single ounce of emotion and picked up one of the 50 kg weights and began doing bicep curls.

That's when I noticed the slightest smirk on his face which was soon enough wiped away.

I gave up and pulled one of his earphones out.

"Hey!! What are you doing here at the same time as me stalker?" I bumped my elbow on his arm and it reminded me of how much it hurt doing it for the first time.

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