Securing Informants

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Harry walked to his father's office. He arranged his clothing to look the best he could. He removed the small dust on his shoulder, breathed deeply and then decided to walk to the door and open it. Behind his desk was Momonga, and behind him was Albedo with her typical white dress, and on the other side of the room was Entoma.

Harry kneeled, "You called for me, Momonga-sama".

"mhm", nodded Momonga, and behind him, Albedo smiled warmly. The supreme being then moved his hand, "Stand up". Harry stood up straight with his hands on his back.

Momonga flinched uncomfortably when he saw Harry moving that way. He always preferred when Harry acted according to his age. Even Aura and Mare were more childish than him in his presence, and he suspected this had to do with Albedo and Seba's teachings.

Momonga cleared his voice with an "Ahem", although he did not have a real treat to clear. He always thought that his voice came from some passive magic; still, the routine of clearing his voice never left him.

"Please take a seat. Entoma, Albedo, you may also take a seat. This will not take much time, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable", said the Supreme Being. They nodded and obeyed, taking seats in the two couches in front of the desk.

"Good. Now I've read the reports from you and Pandora Actor about the attacks. Currently, Demiurge is looking to create his own antidote for this petrifications. The seeds that Albedo acquired thanks to your classmate, Miss Pansy Parkinson, have been of too much help."

Harry bowed, "I will let her know about it."

Momonga nodded, "mhm, yes, please do it." Then Momonga put his hands together, "now, on the same subject. You said that you, Harry, have a lead, correct?"

Harry nodded, "you are correct, Momonga-sama. It seems that there are always spiders leaving from the scenes where the attacks occurred. I asked Aura and Mare about it. Aura assured me that she didn't know about any spiders that could petrify. Mare has read books about the magical creatures, but neither does he know about any spider that could do it."

Momonga put his hand on his chin, "Then it is probable that the attacks were not made by the spiders, but at the moment, that is the only information we have. You said that is a good opportunity, correct?"

Harry nodded again, "Yes, Momonga-sama. This will be a good statement to the other students, especially if we do it close to the end of the school year. That way, the information will be fresh for everyone, and they will pass the information to their family once the summer break arrives."

"It does have its perks to wait to stop the attacker, but you should be able to understand when to change it. If there are too many attacks, it may also be counterproductive, as the people will focus more on the culprit than on the help given. Also, we don't want any of our allies to be injured in the process", said Momonga

Harry listened to the Supreme Being with rapt attention and nodding almost all the time. "I understand Momonga-sama".

"Now, you have a plan at the moment, correct? Could you explain it to me in your own words?" asked the Supreme Being.

Harry smiled, "of course. The spiders seem to be heading to the Forbidden Forest, so I planned to infiltrate the forest with Entoma and maybe Aura. Entoma could communicate with the insects to a certain degree, or at least understand their behaviour".

"It is true that Entoma is an Arachnoid and has a certain connection with insects, but that does not mean that that would expand to the insects of this world. Moreover, her speciality is bug summoning, not full control over them", said the Supreme Being. He asked the maid, "What do you say, Entoma?"

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