End of the school year

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Hermione is still looking at the chocolate box that Harry gave to her. It already has passed a few days since San Valentine's Day. Harry hasn't changed how he treats her; it means that the chocolate has a deeper meaning.

After that talk about his knowledge of her blood status, and her genealogical ancestors, Hermione could understand that Harry is a mastermind. She recalled the times she read or saw something about him on the TV.

"Surely, the chocolates have a deeper meaning", thought Hermione.

Hermione was walking around her bed, in which the chocolates were. Then she recalled their first meeting, back on the train. "He implied that we were betrothed, so the chocolates are only a way to cover up. Of course," said Hermione to herself.

The new problem is that she has not played her part in it. Hermione thought about a possible way to end this already. "I could return the chocolates to symbolize that I don't want that relationship, but it already passed some time", thought the brown-haired Gryffindor.

She let herself fall in the bed and grabbed a pillow, "but do I really want that?". Hermione could not help but put the pillow over her face to hide her embarrassment.

The door opened, and Lavender looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Hermione turned to see the newcomer, composed herself, took the chocolate box and saved it.

She tried to walk outside the room but was stopped by Patil. She was entering the room, and while in front of the smartest first-year girl she said, "so, will you tell us how did you do it?"

"Oh, yeah, I also want to know", said Lavender with a high peach voice. Both girls corned Hermione, while Kellah Morris and Fay Dunbar entered.

Dunbar saw the scene, shook her head and left the room. Morris saw her friend leaving the room and then turned back at the girls in the room, "What's happening here?"

"We want to know how she did it", said Lavender. Hermione looked at the three girls, "I have absolutely no idea about what are you talking about."

Lavender rolled her eyes, "We are talking about Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Live, Gryffindor's first traitorous Potter".

"Gryffindor's first traitorous Potter?" asked the three girls. The imperative pink lover girl shrugged, "That's how Ron calls him".

After that, everybody got back to their original mission. Patil got closer to Hermione, and Lavender did it too. Morris only went to her bed and sat there, not wanting to participate but still interested in the answer.

"So? How did you do it?" Parvati asked while stepping closer to Hermione.

"Did you do it to took her to form the gasp of that horrible Slytherin girl, and bring him back to Gryffindor?" said Lavender Brown while motioning with her hands.

"Did you use a love potion?" Patil raised her eyebrows.

"Or maybe both of you fell in love when he rescued from the troll, Looking at him as your knight in shining armour", Brown said while motioning as if she was dancing with a prince.

"How far did you have gone?" Patil smirked

"Or maybe, it was love at first sight, and you just could not resist getting close to him. Even when he was destined to be a Slytherin", Lavender continued creating different scenarios, forgetting about the others.

"What...", Patil was going to ask something else, but Lavender continued talking.

"Or maybe you have been talking with each other in the library, and that's why you go there frequently because it's the only place when you can be alone with him", and continued.

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