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A month has passed since the classes started again. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. The only difference is that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was taught by Professor Snape, which revived the rumour that Snape was the one who kicked out Professor Quirrell. Also, Harry noted that his house leader has been putting attention on his moves.

It was Friday morning, and Harry woke up early, so he read a book. At his side, there was a sack of candies. Although Harry is not too fond of candies himself. He likes some, but he is not a fanatic like some others residents of Nazarick. He knew of the power that small gifts can have on people's psyches.

He has earned the trust of the whole Slytherin house, he has not won the approval of the other houses, but that does not mean that they looked at him like an enemy. Maybe only the Gryffindor house, who are still under the prejudice that Slytherin is the house of the bad people.

Harry sighed, "How is it possible that a whole community still believe that the world is divided between Black and White? Good and Evil?" though the Suzuki heir.

The first to get down after Harry was Millicent Bulstrode, who was followed by Daphne Greengrass. Harry turned to them and took two small chocolates from the sack. He walked close to them before they could leave the Slytherin common room.

"Before you go. Please accept this", Harry said while giving them a bar of small chocolate to the two. "Happy Valentine's Day".

Harry walked back to his seat and continued reading. Millicent and Daphne were confused but accepted the chocolate and walked outside the common room.

Goyle and Crabbe walked outside the boy's dormitory and decided to sit next to Harry. They were still half asleep. "Why do the classes have to start too early?" asked Crabbe to no one. Goyle nodded to him.

"You think this is early? I know that in some countries, Muggles and Wizard schools start at 7am and some even at 6am", said Harry.

"What? Really?" asked the two bodyguard kids. Draco who was just arriving covered his ears, "You don't have to scream".

"I guess we are all here. Should we go to the Great Hall for breakfast?" asked Draco. The question was open to all of them, but the answer they really wait was from Harry.

Other students from higher years started to pass. Harry looked in the direction of the stairs that leads to the girls' dormitory. He sighed, "I guess".

Before leaving, Harry took the sack and took three bars of chocolates and gave it to Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. Draco took it confused, but Crabbe and Goyle did not give too much thought and thanked him before eating it.

When they arrived at the Great Hall, the three started to talk about their next classes. Harry threw some small chocolates at the Slytherin Quidditch team when they arrived.

Flint sat close to Suzuki and looked at the chocolate. He saw that other players also received the same chocolate, "Why is the occasion, Suzuki?"

"Well, is Valentine's Day", answered simply Harry. Draco turned to see him as if he grew a second head, "Shouldn't you give this to your lover?"

"and friends and family", said Harry, but then he turned to see that Draco and Flint looked at him with one eyebrow up. "I don't know-how is done here. It seems it's different from each culture. Tradition may vary," concluded Harry.

"Is this the Dark Lord my father was waiting?" thought Draco. But then he turned to see Greengrass and Bulstrode. The two girls now are looking over Harry. Draco saw Daphne, and he could see why he would want to do that. Then again, Bulstrode was also looking at him, and the image of her kissing him made him want to puke. Before continuing eating, Draco looked at the Gryffindor table, only to see that Granger was leaving the Hall alongside a guy.

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